Only at the end were Christian Churches hounded at all, and in fact up until taht trime, worked pretty well with Hitler, who not only invoked God (as Bush does) and inferred (or allowed his subordinates to infer for him) that he was sent by God, the Christian God.
The Pagan Nazi Mythos, which only took shape in the last few years, is commonly touted by Christians in denial. Of course, the years 1928-1942, in which German Churches willingly subordinated themselves (whether they did it because they had to or wanted to is irrelevant here) and worked closely with the Nazis (at the very least they remained silent) also happened.
Which makes Scalia an odious revisionist and others who would propagate the historically inaccurate "Pagan Nazi" bullshit when that was the case only at the end.
A fact that makes many Christians uncomfortable, but I don't see why it should as it is merely an extension of the Christian Witch Burning Mania that killed millions of "liberals" in the 15th and 16th Centries.
Name an example of a non-controlling decision by ANY court, one that specifies it will make no precedent.
Isn't there a judicial code of ethics that provides guidelines on when a judge should recuse?
Doesn't it quite specifically state that relatives involved with the litigants is cause enough for recusal? (or was, back in the days of the Old American Republic)
And yes, Gene Scalia was working for the Busheviks at the time, and YES, that should be reason enough, or should be in a Free Nation, not one like Imperial Amerika.
Aren't there laws, even though they aren't enforced when dealing with Imperials and their Cronies, that can be levied against judges who fail to recuse in clear conflict-of-interest cases?
Although as living in Bushistan has taught us, what are laws if people are too cowed to enforce them?
Now name an example of any high court at the Federal or State level to do so.
I see. Any organization that has people who act Really Nice (when they're with their own kind, that is) is automatically not corrupt?
For someone who claims to have a knowledge of the law, sir, that's a pretty lame argument.
The Federalist Society is full of hale and well-met Nice Folks who, at least when they aren't excoriating Jews, sorry... Liberals (I sometimes get confused between demonization groups from various Totalitarian Eras) are so nice and trustworthy that makes them inacapable of wrogndoing.
I see. I wonder why that "innocence by association" argument isn't use more often as trial defense.
I also wonder how many "nice things" the Nazis did. How many orphans and widows Nazi Fireman pulled out of burning buildings, how many charities Nazi gave to, how much service they did in the communities to their fellow Aryans?
As to the puzzling and schizophrenic behavior of corrupt men like Scalia, it is not hard to explain nor understand.
As a nation, we are in transition. Halfway in between Orwellian Totalitarian Tyranny and the Old American Republic, which was free.
I would expect such a nation, filled with people who have lived both free and enslaved (though not yet obviously or overtly as much of the Old America has yet to be swept away by time and planning), to often behave sometimes free, sometimes Totalitarian.
I would expect a man like Scalia, who fancies himself a member of a High Court of a Free Nation, to occasionally behave like such as long as it doesn't go directly against his Imperial Masters.
I would expect a man who, as a member of an institution that fewre and fewer people believe in the integrity, he would take occasions where the Imperial interest is not directly threatened, to go through the motions and make a "principled decision" sometimes.
Half-in and half-out. Schizophrenic.
By the way, I take it you've met members of the Federalist Society. Do you meet one every morning in the mirror, I wonder?
In either case, it doesn't matter. Sea changes take time. Amerikan Totalitarianism is likely to be kinder, gentler, and more illusory than the Nazis or Commies.
More like Imperial Rome, where it was in the best interests of the Caesers to maintain the illusion of freedom and the increasingly irrelevant Forms of the Old Republic, until it was too late for a popular awakening to do anything about it anyway.
But I know corruption when I see it, no matter how genteel, nice and civilized Federalist Front group members are to their own.
And I know what they and their members have done to our nation in the service of their Imperial Masters, from Scalia and Silbermann to Terry Wooten and "Judge" Sentelle.
No matter how "nice" they are to their own kind (Members of the Imperial Party, that is).
And how do they talk about the the Jews, errr....Democrats and Liberals (sorry, got my Totalitarian Demonized Groups mixed up again), when they aren't in public?
No, Sentelle & Starr, not to mention Terry Wooten and his handing over confidential FBI documents to Conservative David Brock, are the Poster Children for the Federalist Society and what it represents, no matter how cordial they are on a Duck Hunt.