In the debates, I think Kerry came across as do-nothing on the topic of S.S. whereas Bush gave the illusion that he was trying to find a solution. The old "action versus inaction" ploy. Sometimes voters would like to see action even if it's stupid just to say "At least he's trying to do something. That other guy is just sitting there." Kerry's approach seemed to say everything is fine, I wouldn't change a thing, move along. Well something has to change. God, why can't politicians have bigger balls?!?! I think the reason we like Dean is the reason the Right likes Buchanan --- at least the guy says what he thinks and isn't afraid of offending.
That being said, I think Bush's proposal of individual accounts is silly because he's only talking about 4% of the FICA tax. That's 4% of 6.2% which is so minimal as to be useless. If someone makes $50,000 a year, that's like $200 bucks a year put into an account. WooHoo!!! After ten years maybe I can buy a sofa. So it gives the illusion that he's doing something to help the people, but really it's completely insignificant.
I do think S.S. needs major overhaul. We work our butts off for years paying huge amounts in and the government takes it and spends it willy-nilly on so much pork. And then the Government says here's your $600 a month. Big Deal.