Article Below my thoughts first:
Even if Bush is a sincere person and had good intentions going into Iraq it appears he has lost his mind completely. This article gives a bleak assessment of Iraq and now any small connection to reality Bush might have had is gone. It's human nature to want to succeed and do the right thing and when it seems like everything you believed in with all your heart (because God told you you were Moses and it was your job to save the world)is crumbling down around you then reason and good decision making start to go out the door. With Bush they were always out the door but now they have fallen off a cliff. Bush is human and he simply was not cut out to handle this kind of stress, especially when the WHOLE WORLD is watching and your whole country is depending on you to come through. Not to mention thousands of dead and wounded soldiers and a hundred thousand dead Iraq's. I can't imagine carrying that kind of pressure on my back and if I did I would need a psychologist and some people to slap me in the face and tell me to get a grip on reality.
My personal feeling about this is that Bush REALLY believed God had chosen him be the worlds savior and his fantasy and strong faith caused him to loose touch with reality and go on a crusade to save the world. (Not that all spiritual people loose reality because they don't)
My handle is Quixote1818 and it seems Bush is a modern day Don Quixote only he is not tilting windmills he is the most powerful person in the world and is tilting country's with other peoples kids. Bush owes it to those families and the American people and the world to have a clear head and now more than ever! Good decisions based on the REALITY of the situation need to be made and if Bush is not up to the job then he either needs to get psychological help to stop the God voices in his head or step down. If he needs psychological help he never should have been president to begin with and someone like Kerry who is great under pressure (driving a swift boat into enemy fire for instance) should have had the job. Don Quixote is a great fictional character but he should never be president of the United States. In fact Sancho is better suited for that position. It's time for the President to be surrounded by mirrors because he is off his rocker, or as the little shaver said when Don Quixote thought his shaving basin was the Golden Helmet of Mombreno: "I can hear the Kookoo singing in the Kookoo berry tree"! Buy the way Bush sings off key and I would rather hear the fat lady sing. Future Is This Anyway?
Thoughts on Fiction-based Reality:
Or Does the Future Stand a Chance?
Here's a strange, small tale of our times, as reported from Washington by Guy Dinmore in the sober British Financial Times (Powell gives bleak assessment of Iraq security problems). According to an anonymous counterinsurgency expert Dinmore evidently interviewed, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has a "brutally accurate" picture of the deteriorating situation in Iraq and "its potential dangers." But, writes Dinmore, "a member of an influential neoconservative policy group said that such warnings ‘stop well short of the president.'" Well, actually, not completely short, for Dinmore then offers the following:
"According to Chas Freeman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia and head of the independent Middle East Policy Council, Mr. Bush recently asked Powell for his view on the progress of the war. ‘We're losing,' Mr. Powell was quoted as saying. Mr. Freeman said Mr. Bush then asked the secretary of state to leave."