1) Both CNN and MSNBC covered the entire seven-hour Rice hearing live (I'd assumed it was only going to be on C-Span....).
2) Barbara Boxer kicked butt.
3) Senators Obama, Kerry, Sarbanes & Dodd were like rat terriers at several points, zeroing in and doing real damage.
4) Several Republican Senators asked some pointed questions or followed-up on Dem Senator's questions. Lugar and Chafee, I thought, were particularly good.
5) Chris Matthews spent most of the day pointing out Condi's evasive answers. On the main Hardball show, he ripped into Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison when she tried to link Saddam to 9/11. Since Tweety is nothing if not a slave to current opinion, this is a good sign. (I don't know if you've ever noticed, but his right pointer finger is a prosthetic -- the original skin was ripped off, the result of sticking it up in the air all the time to see which way the wind was blowing).
6) Fox News is pretending there was no hearing (i.e., "bad news is no news"). Sean Hannity spent ten minutes venting about Boxer, but he looked like he'd just swallowed a bowl full of slop and he was even nastier than usual -- this usually means he's knows he's playing a bad hand. (Smug, smarmy look on Sean's face=good day for GOP, angry, red-faced look=bad day for GOP. The emotional state of morons is pretty easy to read.)
Please don't write me back with negative stuff. I don't care about any bad things that happened today (please DO NOT, for example, mention the name of a Senator from Delaware in any reply you may send me). I also don't care what will happen tomorrow. I am just going to enjoy the rest of tonight.
However, if you can think of anything else positive that happened today, please do drop me a line.