Edited on Wed Jan-19-05 12:02 AM by scarletwoman
I had to leave my home in the boonies today and venture into the big city where I used to live for 20 years on and off until 16 years ago.
As I negiotated rush hour traffic on what used to be lesser used city streets, there appeared at one particularily choked up intersection a marvelous hand-painted sign attached high up a light pole. White background with red block lettering, it said "WHO PROFITS WHO DIES" -- the words arranged vertically, one beneath the other.
A day or two after the election, I came home from work one afternoon, and in a state of overwrought emotion, ripped off 3 out of the 4 bumperstickers that had been gracing my car: "Kerry/Edwards 2004", "This is Kerry/Edwards/Oberstar country", and "Vote DFL" (I'm a Minnesotan). I left on my "Wellstone!" bumpersticker -- I've had it on my car since the summer of 2002, and there it will remain.
Anyway, (please forgive my rambling, I've been losing my mind bit-by-bit for almost 5 years now, and I'm an old lady...) since that day, I've been on the lookout for replacement bumper stickers so the back end of my car can send some updated serious messages out into the group mind of the U.S.A.
I spent alot of time searching out online lefty bumpersticker sellers looking for the kind of message that I really wanted to express, but nothing really tripped my trigger.
But this is IT. This is the message I want on a bumper sticker. I am determined to fight the class war, I ain't messin' around. "WHO PROFITS WHO DIES" says EXACTLY what I want to say.
I've done a search since I got home from my city adventure, and there doesn't seem to be such a bumper sticker extant. If anybody knows where to find one, or knows how to get one made up, please post it on this thread.
Many thanks, sw