Asking Condi about Yellowcake from Niger - FORGED DOCUMENTS
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Wed Jan-19-05 10:16 AM
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Asking Condi about Yellowcake from Niger - FORGED DOCUMENTS |
Biden should have forced that...they sure wanted to shut that down.
Valerie Plame (CIA) was outed over Joe Wilson(husband) exposing that the Bush 'state of the union' address included KNOWINGLY FALSE and FORGED documents.
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Wed Jan-19-05 10:35 AM
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1. 4 people fired from CBS |
When will someone be fired over this?
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Wed Jan-19-05 11:02 AM
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2. The most ironic of all is that CBS was going to do a story |
on JUST THAT LIE/FORGERY/OUTING...but went w/the Bush service story instead...and the other story just was never aired...
TREASON has been committed, and premeditated deception perpetrated on the citizens. When you LIE in the State of the Union, it is an ACTIONABLE OFFENSE!
We were LIED into a war.
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Wed Jan-19-05 01:20 PM
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3. Move on! Get over it! Sit down and shut up. |
Shut up shut up shut up shut up.
Do not point out inconvenient facts! We are trying to get Condi the Liar confirmed as the Official Liar of the United States of America!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:39 AM
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