Let's Keep the Pressure On! Welcome Congress Back with a Demand to Protect and Extend Democracy!
Last Thursday, January 6, history was made when Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Oh.) and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Ca.) objected to the acceptance of the electoral college votes from Ohio because of the widespread disenfranchisement, suppression and fraud that pervaded the 2004 election. Organizing, protesting, lobbying and massive caller turnout led to their action, with support from over 30 Representatives and more than 12 Senators. And a public spotlight was shone on this critical issue. None of this would have happened if not for the actions of literally hundreds of thousands of people who flooded Capitol Hill with emails, calls, faxes and visits. We need to keep the pressure on. When Congress reconvenes to begin their work on January 24th, let's let them know all throughout the week that we are here for the long haul and urge them to: -Establish a special "select committee" of the House and Senate to investigate voter disenfranchisement in 2004. -Move immediately to put together comprehensive pro-democracy legislation. This time, we urge you to focus your primary attention on local Congresspeople with direct education and call-ins since they were not our focus in the last push. Contact your US Senators as well. And spread the word to others in your area to do the same. You can find out contact information for your Representatives and Senators by going to www.vote-smart.org or by calling the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121. And let's keep reaching out to build a stronger and broader pro-democracy movement. Only the power of an organized and aroused people can save and expand our democracy. For more information go to: www.ippn.org, www.nov3.us, www.pdamerica.org, or www.votecobb.org.
This Winter Democracy Campaign was initiated by United Progressives for Democracy, the Cobb/LaMarche campaign, Code Pink, Global Exchange, Green Party of the U.S., Independent Progressive Politics Network, No Stolen Elections!, Progressive Democrats of America, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Truth in Elections and United for Peace and Justice. Additional endorsers include: Action Center for Justice, Charlotte, N.C., Alliance for Democracy, American Electoral Fraud Working Group, Backbone Campaign, Beyond Voting, Carlessnesshood 101 for Healthier Air, Planet and People, Coalition Against Election Fraud, Democrats.com, Grandmothers Against the War, N.Y., N.Y., Greenwich Village Coalition for Peaceful Priorities, International Labor Communications Association, Mercer Island, Wa. Peacemakers, Mercury Coalition for Honest Elections, Denver, Co., Plan of Action in a Changing Era, San Diego, Ca., Raging Grannies of Denver, Sozadee.com, Three Pines Neighborhood Association, Grants Pass, Or., We Do Not Concede Coalition, WILPF/Tucson chapter. To add your group send your endorsement to ippn.diane@earthlink.net.