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An open letter To George Dubya Bush on his Renaugeration

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dave29 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-19-05 03:06 PM
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An open letter To George Dubya Bush on his Renaugeration
As you and yer outfit git on yer dude-duds tamaruh, and go to yer fancy-dressin, city-slickin shindigs, you auta remember this, buckaroo:

Yeh may think yer slick as an eel, but ya can bet your sweet bippy we got yer number.

You aint nothin but a chuck-eatin, carpet-baggin, snake oil sellin, bamboozler whose got himself a queer way with words. You may have done gone and got yankee rich, but that's cause you aint never been nothin but a rich yankee anyhow.

Talk about yer New England dynasties, ya no horse-ridin, brush-clearin, wannabe.

Weer pertty much fed up with yer tall tales, and yer stories that get windyer by the day. You can quit yer boot-scootin, there aint no doubt you and yer outfit landed us smack dab in the middle of a mess bigger than Texas herself, and too many of are kids are now ded as a doornail cuz of it. Not mention'n the rest of us who is more bad off then we was just four years ago.

So, quit yer Texas-two-steppin, quien savey?

Keep this up and we'll be just a hoot an' a holler away from impeachin yer ass, I tell you what.

That's bout it, dadgumit.

Signed - a tired Texan.
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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-19-05 03:19 PM
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1. LOL
I like it. I hope he is proud that he had to cheat to get in the first time and then did so poorly that he had to have a war and still cheat to get in the second time. You would think that would wipe that smirk off his face once in a while but it seems he thinks that is just as good as really winning. I guess it isn't how you win it is just that you do win with this group.
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