What the heck is a so-called news network doing publishing the following obviously biased content?
"Dems regroup: And while President Bush's day begins rapidly filling up with inauguration activities, the Democratic National Committee goes on cable today with an ad entitled "Ready" welcoming him into a second term with the kind of "we'll be watching" sentiment befitting Wisteria Lane — or Sen. Kennedy's opening statement at most confirmation hearings. The "modest buy" appears only today on CNN, FOX, and MSNBC.
Under protest, we publish for fun the script here:
Mr. President, congratulations. Democrats are eager to work with you. But make no mistake — we will not abandon our long held principles. On Social Security, we will not let you undermine its fundamental guarantee. On taxes, we'll fight your efforts to shift the burden to working families. And we'll demand an honest foreign policy. So as you swear to uphold the Constitution, we will be standing with you — making sure you keep that promise for all Americans. Voice over: The DNC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
But fake ads and promises don't equal an agenda."
FAKE ADS? What's fake about this? Many people are applauding the sincere sentiments in this ad. I fully support the Democrats' efforts to oppose the selfish, short-sighted and mean-spirited agenda of this administration--and to educate the public about Bush's callousness toward the poor, the sick, and the working people of America. Of course, if the networks would do their jobs and report BOTH sides of a story, the Democrats wouldn't have to pay to give air time to these views. Every Democrat I've spoken with lately is sick and tired of your network's increasingly obvious pro-Republican slant.
No wonder the younger generation is relying on blogs and alternative news sites, since the networks no longer bother to even create the appearance of being fair.