“Jobloss” Recovery Cited at U.S. Hearings on Trade with China, WashTech Testifies
By Roberta L. Wilson
WashTech rang the alarm bell several years ago about offshoring and visa abuse in the software employment sector, and now people in high places are beginning to seriously consider these and other threats to U.S. economy and workers, caused by trade policies. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission met last week in Seattle, bringing together panelists from various industries, the investment community and labor. The Commission, comprised of twelve members selected by Congress in 2000, gathers testimony from around the country about the impacts of trade with China. China was admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
Rick Bender, president of the Washington State Labor Council, told the Commission early in the day, “I’m here to tell you that what labor sees on the ground are thousands of workers losing through trade even though shareholders may be prospering.” Another panelist noted the so-called economic recovery that began in 2001 is not just a "jobless" recovery, but has become a “jobloss” recovery.
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