"America is governed by one party rule, the press does not dare that one party, the opposition party is afraid to oppose, th wealthy are getting wealthier by using the national treasury as their private piggy bank, civil liberties are under assault, workers think themselves lucky to earn starvation wages at Wal-Mart, and the man nominated to become the chief law enforcement official in the land has put in writing that torture is not such a bad thing after all."
"The denial of voting rights has become acceptable. The chicken hearted opposition are more afraid of looking like sore losers than they are of actually being winners. They could be liberated by the knowledge that they have nothing left to lose and go down fighting. They obviously don't agree, preferring to labor in the shadows and pretend that they have done a great thing because they go through the motions of asking Alberto Gonzales to disavow torture but then admit they will vote to confirm him." <more>www.blackcommentator.com/121/121_fr_banana_republic_usa_pf.html
To fully map out a clear course of action to dismantle the banana republic(an) empire one must understand the degree of complicity of all involved. Are the big players in the Democratic Party capable of the deep admissions of America's sordid past, it's violent present, it's craven future? Have they reached a point of detumescence? A banana republic can change if its citizens are willing to fight.