In response to the letter sent out by MoveOn.org, I decided to sustain my life for the ten minutes I was on hold with the Social Security office.
Documents obtained by The New York Times show that Bush's plan is to insert "propaganda" into Social Security publications -- using the apparatus of this huge government agency -- and the trust millions place in it -- to sell their privatization scheme that would cut Social Security benefits.
We need your help to make it clear that the Social Security Administration is not another propaganda tool of the White House. Please take one minute to send a message. Call the Social Security Administration at the number below. Tell them you oppose Social Security privatization and you expect them to deliver straight facts -- not White House spin -- to the American people.
Call: 1-800-772-1213
After the greeting, dial 1 for English or 2 for Spanish. Then press 3. Then press 0 to speak to a representative.
She may have given me a stock answer at first, but the tone in her voice told me that Julie understood the severity of the situation, and that this was not the first call she had received on the matter.
I reiterated the fact that we were living in dangerous times, and that many people's lives could be effected, especially her own. After all, she does work directly for Social Security.
When all was said and done, it was a very friendly conversation, and I think I may have made a friend on the inside!
Keep up the good fight.