let's all feel free to point out that Roemer is the president of the Council of National Policy, the most dangerous and powerful sect of the elite that put Bush and Facism back in the White House.
"The fact of the matter is, Tim Roemer is current president of the CNP Council of National Policy and is a willing companion and even has a relative in the Knights of Malta. He is at the very center of Opus Dei government, and soon he will take over the reigns of the DNC chair.
James Dobson has been wishing for this day very quickly, as it will extend their grasp over the minds of the people by fore-fronting more evangelical wards and religious dictatorships, which will force a republic for Opus Dei unlike any has seen before.
Roemer's history with playing politics on behalf of the Oil industry is clouded, and full of deadlock deeds in which the pope pats him on the back. It is their way of god or the highway, and all such organizations are tax exempt. Now they will gladly pawn the rest of you who believe in Roemer's "forward thinking" into becoming slaves for nothing more than fanaticism.
http://www.9-11commission.gov/about/bio_roemer.htmThese are some of the folks Roemer worked for:
http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=John_BrademasJohn Brademas
John Brademas is a Rhodes Scholar and believed to be a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a
former Congressman from Indiana (58-91) and former
chair and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Brademas is chair of American Ditchley Foundation and
Trustee Emeritus of the Aspen Institute. His name has
been linked with both the Rockefeller Foundation and
the RAND Corporation.
John Brademas is President Emeritus of NYU. He was
Chairman of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
Institute (FERI) between 1993 and 2001 and, "...on
January 18, 2001, FERI Board Member Brademas was
presented with the NED's 'Democracy Service Medal' in
recognition for his years of service on the NED board
of directors."
"Prior to serving as NYU's president between 1981 and
1992, FERI board member Brademas was a Congressional
representative from South Bend, Indiana for 22 years.
According to CURRENT BIOGRAPHY, in October 1976 the
former NED (National Endowment for Democracy) Chairman
'acknowledged that he had accepted about $5,000 in
campaign funds in 1970, 1972 and 1974 from Park Tong
Sun, the Washington party fixture under federal
investigation for influence-peddling' in the Koreagate
Affair. As NYU's president, FERI Board Member Brademas
also was the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York and a director of the Rockefeller Foundation,
the New York Stock Exchange, Scholastic Inc., Loew's
Corp., RCA/NBC and Texaco.
There is more than one connection to the Knights
Roemer also worked for Senator Dennis DeConcini of AZ,
a known member of the Knights of Malta."
etc etc
I guess we should be so lucky to witness the big ascent of the New World Order, the ultimate dream of the Illuminati for centuries. They've been working hard at it for a long time, so let's all give them a round of applause! Hooray for global dominance!