I think this would be a very good term to start using as the reason for right-wing policies. If you look at the views and actions of the radical right, nine times out of ten there is somebody in power profiting from them. It's fairly self-explanatory when it comes to issues like outsourcing, the minimum wage, welfare, etc. But PPP is more prevalent than we might think..
The drug laws: Conservatives don't want addicts getting drugs on the street corner. The big corporations don't make any money that way! You're supposed to call your doctor like the commercial told you to, and become addicted to those drugs. That kind of addiction is okay, as long as it puts money in the right pockets. You want to grow medical marijuana? Well, how are the people in power supposed to profit if you grow your own? If you're sick, they want you to take THEIR drugs, even if they aren't as effective. Remember the most important thing to them: PPP: People in Power Profiting. Your health and well-being is secondary. You want to use hemp as fuel? Well, you know that will never be allowed to happen. The oil companies don't want the competition!
The movement of the religious right: It is true that the theocrats want to impose their religious views on Americans by force. However, I think they have been manipulated into becoming the radicals that they are. The cheap labor, PPP conservatives have wrapped their ideology in religion, claiming to represent Christianity. Unfortunately, some very religious people have fallen into the trap. It's criminal the way that the right-wing has taken religious faith and used it as a political tool to put money in the pockets of the powerful. For example, gay marriage doesn't affect anybody else except for gay couples. Even an extremely religious person would probably care more about his or her own economic situation than gay marriage. Enter the manipulators. They don't want the working class Christian voting on economic, job-related issues! That won't be good for profit! They distract the religious working class, manipulating them into thinking that their religious beliefs are under attack. Gays are getting married and women are having abortions! Janet Jackson showed her breast at the Super Bowl!!! Which is more important: Your economic situation, or GOD?? Basically, the religious right is just a pathetic tool of a much more powerful machine. There is no reason for a very religious person to oppose civil rights, but the conservatives have framed the debate to make them think that there is. Theocrats think they represent Christianity, when in reality they are tools for those that worship the almighty dollar.