It is a nice endorsement., I am the Chairman of the Florida Democratic Party.
We are used to being in the spotlight — Florida, as we saw in 2000, is the definition of a swing state (thanks to the media, swinging several times in one night, even).
We have a lot of work to do here, from reforming our voting process, which Republicans have continued to manipulate, to building the party infrastructure in every part of the state.And that's what I want to talk to you about. We in Florida can't afford to just target the areas where we think we can do well and forget about the rest of the state. We need to speak to every Floridian — because every Floridian has a responsibility to make sure every other Floridian has the same opportunity to vote, get an education, succeed and provide for their family.
That's why I am proud to tell you that
I, and every DNC member from Florida are endorsing Governor Howard Dean to be the next Chairman of our party.
He understands that we won't win Florida unless we try to win all of Florida — and build strong Democratic Party organizations next door in Alabama and Georgia, too. He understands that we can't win unless we show up to fight in every race, in every county, in every state. He knows that we need to engage local communities to build our party from the ground up. And he has the experience to do it. I would be honored if you would join me in supporting Gov. Howard Dean.
Thank you.
—Scott Maddox
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party