http://www.9-11commission.gov/about/bio_roemer.htmTimothy J. Roemer Commissioner Tim Roemer is president of the Center for National Policy (CNP) and a distinguished scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, a non-profit research and educational institution dedicated to improving public policy outcomes. Prior to joining CNP, Roemer was a partner at Johnston and Associates. From 1991-2003, Roemer represented the Third District of Indiana in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Education and the Workforce and the Committee on Science. Before running for Congress, he served on the staffs of John Brademas of Indiana (1978-1979) and Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona (1985-1989). He holds a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego, Calif., and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Notre Dame University. While he was in Congress Roemer was recognized for his successful leadership on bipartisan legislation to balance the budget, reform welfare, improve the affordability of higher education, and reform elementary and secondary education for school children. He was appointed to the Intelligence Committee's Task Force on Homeland Security and Terrorism and served on the bipartisan Joint Inquiry which issued a report on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He was the key author of the legislation in the House of Representatives to establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. ================================= The council as of 2000: Ahmanson, Howard Alby, Barbara Aldrich, Gary Ally, Arthur Allison, Daniel Anderson, Thomas Andrews, John Angell, Al Ankerberg, John Ardizzone, Kristen Armey, Richard Armstrong, Thomas Atsinger, Edward Baehr, Theodore Bahakel, Cy Baker, Dick Balderson, Terry Ball, William Batchelder, William Bauer, Gary Beckett, John Behnke, Melvin Belk, John Bell, Mariam Berryman, Ray Bigham, Paul Bird, Wendell Blackwell, Morton Blinn, James Blocker, Michael Bolan, Thomas Bosgra, T.J. Bott, Rich Bott, Richard Bozell, Brent Breese, David Bright, William Brinson, Alan Broadhead, Paul Bronson, Earle Brown, Floyd Bull, Benjamin Bullington, Daniel Burkett, Larry Burress, Pamela Burton, Dan Butler, Sandra Byne, James Callaway, Howard Campbell, Kenneth Carl, William Carriker, Charles Caruth, W.W. Ceverha, Bill Chalfant, John Cies, Margaret Cline, Nancy Clymer, James Condon, Guy Cone, Robert Cook, Peter Cooper, Henry Coors, Darden Coors, Holland Coors, Jeffrey Copeland, David Creedon, William Cresanta, Judy Cribb, Kenneth Cross, Raymond Crotty, Daniel Csorba, Les Czirr, James Dacus, Brad Danielson, Beverly Dannemeyer, William Davis, Cullen Davis, Jean Dawkins, Maurice Deaton, Dorsey DeLay, Tom Denman, Diana Denton, James DeVos, Rich DeVos, Richard Dickey, Catharine Dingman, Dick Dobson, James Dodd, John Doggett, John Donnelly, Elaine Doolittle, John Dornan, Robert Drexel, Ann Drexel, Gregory DuPont, Pierre Dugan, Robert Duggan, Daniel Dunham, Richard Dupuy, Kathy Durant, Clark Dye, Alan Eaton, Lee Eller, Karl Ellis, Tom Ensminger, Ronald Epperson, Kristy Epperson, Stuart Epperson, Stuart Jr. Etchison, Michael Faircloth, Lauch Faison, Mollie Falwell, Jerry Farah, Joseph Farris, Michael Feldtman, Robert Feulner, Edwin Fields, William Fischer, Robert Flaherty, Peter Flowers, Langdon Folkers, Donald Ford, Richard Forsythe, Clark Foy, Peter Frankland, Herman Frazier, Ann Freeman, Kevin Freeny, Tracy Friess, Foster Frizzell, Ben Fuller, Corinne Gardner, Frank Garvey, Willard Gentry, Kevin Glessner, Thomas Godwin, Ronald Goodrick, Stephen Gottlieb, Alan Grampsas, Anthony Grant, Robert Grant, William Guffey, Hal Gustafson, Darryl Haden, Ben Hakola, Edith Hale, Billy Haley, Rosalind Halvorssen, Thor Hanicke, Elizabeth Hanna, Colin Hansen, Nancy Hardage, Sam Hardman, Sara Hart, Benjamin Hasson, Seamus Hawkins, Preston Hayes, Karen Hayne, Peck Haynes, Ray Headrick, Richard Hearne, Donna Heath, Charles Helms, Jesse Helton, Harry Hendrix, Richard Herbster, Carl Herbster, Matthew Hess, Thomas Hill, James Hinz, Roland Hodel, Donald Hodgman, Thomas Hofmeister, Gary Hogan, Neal Hueter, Ernest Hughes, Dudley Hunt, Mary Hunt, Nelson Hurme, William Irby, Charles Irvine, Reed Istook, Ernest Jackson, Peb Jacobson, James Jaeb, Lorena Jaffe, Laurie James, Kay Jarmin, Gary Jarvis, Charles Jenkins, James Jenkins, Margaret Jenkins, Woody Jones, Bob Jordan, Daniel Kaloogian, Howard Keating-Edh, Barbara Keene, David Kemp, Jack Kennedy, D. James Keyes, Alan Kimble, Richard Kingsley, Dora Kincaid, Cliff Kirk, Jerry Klayman, Larry Kyl, Jon LaHaye, Beverly LaHaye, Lee LaHaye, Tim Lane, David Larson, Reed Ledzinski, Jerome LeFever, Tim Lenczowski, John Lester, Andrew Levin, Mark Lewis, Keet Lifschultz, Jay Linton, David Long, Christopher Lott, Trent Lozick, Edward Mabon, Lon Maclellan, Scott MacLeod, Laurel Ann Maddoux, Mark Maddoux, Marlin Magruder, Marion Magruder, Shannon Malenick, Carolyn Marshall, Peter Marshner, Connie Martin, James Mason, Christopher Mason, Richard Matrisciana, Pat McAlvany, Donald McAteer, Ed McCabe, Thomas McCarthy, Richard McClellan, Bob McClelland, Norman McConville, Timothy McCotter, James McCotter, Liz McCotter, Shannon McCoy, Tidal McDonald, Mrs. Larry McEwen, Bob McGuigan, Patrick McKim, Ken McLittle, Emanuel Meese, Dana Meese, Edwin Messing, Andy Metrahi, Peter Meyer, Eugene Miller, James Miller, Stephen Mills, Andrew Minnery, Tom Missler, Charles Mix, Mark Moffitt, Terry Monteith, Barbara Monteith, Stanley Montgomery, Michael Montini, Mark Mooney, Pat Moore, Raymond Moore, Sam Moorman, Thomas Morris, Henry Morris, Allen Motley, Duane Mounger, William Mount, Jay Mullin, Martha Muskett, Rob Nash, Richard Neill, Richard Nickles, Don Noble, Edward Noebel, David Nolan, Pat Norquist, Grover North, Gary North, Oliver O'Neal, B.F. O'Neill, George Oakes, Stanley Oates, Marvin Oates, Philip Olsen, Phillip Olson, William Oster, Merrill Owens, Eric Parker, Jay Parker, Thomas Parro, Colleen Pate, Carmen Patterson, Paige Patterson, Tom Pederson, Patrice Perkins, Tony Phillips, Brad Phillips, Howard Phillips, Thomas Poland, Larry Pope, John Powers, Jim Pratt, Lawrence Pressler, Paul Pressler, Paul IV Price, James Prince, Elsa Privette, Coy Pullen, Penny Reed, Ralph Reynolds, Bradford Richardson, H.L. Richey, Daniel Riddle, Richard Ridenour, Elizabeth Ridley, Stephen Rigell, Isom Riner, Tom Robertson, Pat Robinson, Ronald Rohrbough, Gregory Rosenberger, Ron Rushdoony, R.J. Sanford, Mark Saracino, William Scanlon, Terrence Scarborough, Rick Schatz, Rick Scheideman, Blaine Schlafly, Phyllis Schuele, Mrs. Carl Schultheis, David Scott, Otto Scribante, John Scribante, Lynda Sears, Alan Seeley, Ronald Segermark, Howard Sekulow, Jay Sennholz, Hans SerVaas, Beurt Shadegg, John Shakespeare, Frank Sharpe, Shelby Shealy, Dal Shipe, Rich Shoff, Richard Showers, Robert Siemens, Abe Siemens, Terry Simons, Richard Singlaub, John Sirico, Robert Skousen, Mark Smith, Alice Smith, Baker Smith, Eunie Smith, Jim Smith, Lowell Smith, Malcolm Smith, Michael Snyder, Geraldine Snyder, Jay Spence, Mike Spivy, LaNeil Squires, Ted St. Martin, Darla Stallings, Kyle Stavarz, Nick Staver, Mathew Stevens, Allen Stewart, Donald Stockman, Steve Stormer, John Stover, Robert Strack, Jay Strake, George Strassner, David Strickler, JoAnn Sullivan, Kathleen Sumner, Gordon Swim, Gaylord Tambs, Lewis Taylor, Helen Taylor, Jim Taylor, Stacy Teepell, Timothy Thompson, Kristine Thompson, Tommy Thornton, James Tierney, Bill Titus, Herbert Trueman, Patrick Twardowski, Timothy Uhlmann, John Uribe, George Utley, Jon Valentine, Harry Van Arsdale, Corbin Vazsonyi, Balint Viguerie, Richard Vollmer, Christine Vucanovich, Barbara Wakefield, Gray Warner, Lucien Weaver, Phyllis Webb, Jack Weiner, Bob Welch, Craig Westberg-Warren, Judi Weyrich, Diana Weyrich, Paul Wheat, Marie Wheeler, Jack White, Somers Whiteford, Ronald Whitehead, John Whittlesey, Faith Wildmon, Donald Wildmon, Timothy Williams, Alvin Williams, Arthur Willke, John Wilson, Chris Wirthlin, Richard Witwer, George Wood, Robert Woodall, Jim Woodfill, Jared Young, Carl Young, Charles Zanotti, David Zentara, Maria To verify list of members: http://www.berkshire.net/~ifas/cnp/index.htmlhttp://www-2.realaudio.com/webactiv...s/censored.html He is the fucking LEADER of the Illuminati secret government that has BROUGHT us this facist regime in the first place! He needs to be hanged, not hired!