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"the force of freedom" is the only power that can defeat "hatred and ...

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Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 01:10 PM
Original message
"the force of freedom" is the only power that can defeat "hatred and ...

Bush: 'Liberty Will Come To Those Who Love It'
Bush Sworn In For Second Term

POSTED: 6:46 am EST January 20, 2005
UPDATED: 12:57 pm EST January 20, 2005

After being sworn-in, Bush began an inaugural address in which he vowed, "Liberty will come to those who love it."

To those who live in tyranny, he said, "The United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors."

Bush said "a day of fire" exposed the United States' vulnerability. And he said his "most solemn duty" is to protect the United States and its people from further attacks.

He said "the force of freedom" is the only power that can defeat "hatred and resentment."

Bush said "a few Americans have accepted the hardest duties" in helping spread American ideals around the world. He said citizens should honor those who have "shown their devotion to our country in deaths."


I'm glad I didn't watch the speech, I think I would be feeling more sick to my stomach than I already do.
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robbedvoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 01:12 PM
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1. A regular Johnny Appleseed, ain't he?
Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 01:12 PM by robbedvoter
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BeHereNow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 01:21 PM
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2. Honestly, I think the subtextual meaning
was about spreading x-tianity...
Jeebus will set you free.
The God of our Founding Fathers hymn
at the end- code to the fundies that
Amerikkka is a CHRISTIAN nation and
has always been ordained by Gawd to
spread the way or another.
Bombs and Bibles for all.
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fryguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 01:26 PM
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3. so he's going to start protecting us?
great, can't wait to see how that shapes up...
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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 01:29 PM
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4. force and freedom do not belong together
Would Jesus love a liberal? You bet!
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