Georgie says: Official Xanax spokesperson Laura Bush ("a fabulous First Lady");
His viper-tongued mother Barbara ("a fabulous mother");
Nimble prevaricator Condoleezza Rice (an "honest fabulous person")
His whole Cabinet ("I put together a fabulous Cabinet");
House Speaker Denny Hastert & Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist ("It is a joy to work with these two fabulous Americans");
His whole administration ("I put together a fabulous team"):and
Perhaps most disconcertingly, the epitome of everything liberal (including jigger portions) Ted Kennedy ("Ted Kennedy is fabulous"). Everyone in our prissy President's acquaintance appears to be doing a "FAB-U-LOUS" job: Again, his lovely wife Laura ("What a fabulous job she is doing");
His brother and collusive heir apparent Jeb ("He has done a fabulous job");
New York Governor Pataki ("who is doing a fabulous job");
Rudy Giuliani ("he's done a fabulous job");
Colin Powell ("he's doing a fabulous job");
Dick Cheney ("doing a fabulous job for America");
John Ascroft ("doing such a fabulous job");
Paul Wolfowitz ("doing a fabulous job");
Ari Fleischer ("done a fabulous job");
The DC Chief of Police ("you and your troops do a fabulous job"); and
<snip> And to our wildly flamboyant Commander in Chief, every organization or thing is simply "FAB-U-LOUS," girl!
The World Series ("And what a fabulous World Series it was");
Those quaint African-American people ("fabulous achievements");
Our Godly country ("America, a fabulous country");
The sound of the Washington National Cathedral Choir ("it is a fabulous way to begin a morning");
<snip> Afghan art, that is, that either we or the Taliban didn't destroy ("this fabulous exhibit");
Alaska ("such a fabulous state");
Being prayed for by strangers ("It's really one of the fabulous parts of the job")
The Philadelphia Boys Choir ("What fabulous music!");
The Democratic stronghold New York City ("the fabulous city called New York City");
Little League Baseball ("such a fabulous organization");
The US Military, showing a bit of a weakness for a gay niche fetish ("We've got fabulous men and women in uniform!"); and
Even the new 45 cent stamp ("fabulous!").