http://www.lewrockwell.com/carson/carson20.htmlBush himself seems to have felt that he was called to be president, "Bush called James Robison (a prominent minister) and told him, 'I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for President.' " After 9/11, President Bush indicated an even stronger sense of divine purpose, "Time magazine reported, 'Privately, Bush talked of being chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment.' "
Now I have no special knowledge or insight in regards to whether President Bush was in some special sense willed by the Lord to be President at this time. But there is a conclusion that has been widely drawn among his conservative Christian supporters that is not at all warranted, even if he really was called. The usually unstated corollary to the claim that the Lord called Bush to be President is that what he has done as President has been what the Lord wanted done, that President Bush is even now doing the Lord's will. But this is a leap that is not justified by the testimony of the Scriptures. The fact that the Lord appoints someone to an office does not mean that that person automatically succeeds in his mission. The scriptures are filled with kings, prophets, priests and even a Disciple of Jesus who were definitely called by the Lord but who then failed to do His will. Let us focus on one instructive example, the very first monarch of Israel: King Saul.
If you believe that George W. Bush was chosen by the Lord to be President at this time then, go ahead, give him the benefit of the doubt. But, ultimately, there is no excuse for giving the President a free pass on everything he does while in office. The Apostle John teaches, "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…." Jesus taught, "by their fruit you will recognise them" and also "be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Saying "I was just following orders from the leader the Lord called" doesn't cut it.
My own assessment, for what it is worth, is that President Bush has shown himself to clearly not be doing the Lord's will. Is it the Lord's will that people should be lied into war, that thousands and tens of thousands of innocents should die? President Bush has borne false witness against Saddam Hussein to dreadful effect. He has ordered the continual bombing of a people who have done our country no harm. Does our Holy Father in Heaven who will allow no sin before him bless this?!
George Bush may well have been called to be President, but like King Saul before him, he has failed.