You can email the DNC with your choice for chair at
I suggest you also look up the DNC members in your state in the pdf and let them know who you want and don't want for chair. I recommend Howard Dean. (Personally, if Simon Rosenberg gets elected, I'm leaving the party and going to the greens or working families.) Vol. 2, No. 1--Pre-Summit, January 2005
On February 12, 2005, the 447 members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will elect a new Party Chair, five Vice Chairs (including the President of the Association of State Democratic Chairs), a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a National Finance Chair. Progressives have the opportunity now to influence the future of the Democratic Party by letting your local members of the DNC know who you support as our next Party Chair and/or the other positions being filled.
In preparation for the February 12 vote, regional caucuses are meeting in various locations around the nation to hear from the candidates running for Party Chair and other positions down the ballot. The Southern Regional Caucus met on January 8th, but all other caucus meetings are yet to come with the next meeting scheduled for January 15 when the Midwest Regional Caucus meets in St. Louis, MO. A complete list of Regional Caucus meetings scheduled through January and which states make up each Regional Caucus are provided at the end of this message.
The 447 members of the DNC consist of each state's party chair and (in most cases) vice-chair. The remaining members representing your state are selected by state delegates (essentially apportioned according to your state's population), represent one of the various caucuses granted seats on the DNC under the national party's bylaws, or have received a position on the DNC by virtue of being elected to various elected offices. These 447 individuals are the only individuals with a vote on Party Chair and other Executive Committee positions.
For your convenience a complete roster of all DNC members is available here in a PDF file. Phone numbers and addresses for DNC members are provided within the roster. Unfortunately, email information for each of the 447 members is not available within the roster, but may be listed on your state party's website.
The other candidates:
After you read this, I think you'll agree, Dean is our best hope. The other candidates
Martin Frost - Former Congressman from Texas who was just redistricted out of his seat, Previously headed the DCCC. Frost is now the leading anti-Dean candidate for DNC, primarily due to strong support from the Texas delegation. In his last campaign Frost ran ads touting his support of Bush and willingness to "work across party lines." Do we really need a weak-kneed DNC chair who supports President Bush?
Tim Roemer - Former Congressman from Illinois. Roemer is another DC establishment candidate with the support of both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Shockingly, Roemer is not only pro-life and against Social Security, he is an active member of the right-wing movement and has encouraged Congressional Democrats to attend a right-wing seminar on economic policy. The chairman of the Massachussetts party has publicly denounced having a DNC chair that opposes core Democratic values.
Simon Rosenberg - President of the New Democratic Network, Targeted Latinos effectively with advertising. Roseberg has much popularity among blogs and grassroots groups; however, it remains to be seen whether he has much support among party insiders. (This is the guy who thinks the war was a good idea!)
Wellington Webb - Former Mayor of Denver
James Blanchard - Former Governor of Michigan, Headed Democratic Governors Association and left with Democratic governors in 49 states
Donnie Fowler - Longtime political strategist and grassroots organizer.
Ron Kirk - Former Mayor of Dallas