Some of this info' is already under discussion but it is all the more interesting given **'s rhetoric about "freedom" (sic) during his coronation today.
Two stories on the current Asia Times' site suggest that Iran could be the next on the list for removal of turrarists.
First, US and UK special forces are conducting exercises in Pakistan. The exercises are of a type hitherto unknown in that country and seem to be geared towards urban, Tehran...
This is the first time in the history of Pakistan that armed forces, including the Pakistan army, have been known to stage exercises in city areas. Traditionally, they exercise in areas resembling the borders, including deserts and mountains, to prepare for assaults from forces such as India's. Pakistan has fought three wars with India.
<snip> second discusses Israel's recent acquisition of long-range strike capabilities.
The second reason why the world's attention remains focused on the issue is the possibility that Israel, at some point, will take it on itself to carry out preemptive operations against Iran, from air and sea. Hersh mentions this possibility in his recent essay. He writes, "Israel has acquired three submarines capable of launching cruise missiles and has equipped some of its aircraft with additional fuel tanks, putting Israel's F-161 fighters within the range of most Iranian