I know we already finance religion, but the plan here is to take this to the tens of billions level. It doesn't matter if they hand the money out equally. imho.
I don't get this at all. Why act like you are fighting for what this nation is suppose to stand for and then support this. It would be like going to a million war protests and then on election day voting for Bush. You're waisting your time protesting.
If a politician can read this article from the LaTimes and still support the fbi, they are in it for the votes NOT the "good of it'...
They admit that they can't keep track of the money and it is only a fraction of what they intend in the future.
I think this is one of the most important articles to come along but I didn't see it much around the net.
LaTimes article (no registration on this article - must read)
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x1502762The fbi is about BUYING VOTES, nothing more, read that article. Towey is partisan political hack. The fbi is NOTHING but a political tool when it gets near Rove types, for sure. Even if some well meaning dem was in charge trying to do right by it, how long before we get another theocratic fascist prez who takes it right back to a payola scheme?
I heard where it was eventually meant to pay for the re-building of the old churches in the country. I thought that odd, till I saw where Fienstien supported a measure to give ten million to rebuild churches in CA.
This fbi voter buy is why there is a republican governor in Alabama. Riley, who won by a very slim margin, kept flying black ministers to DC to meet and find out how much cash they could get if Riley was elected - like as a repub he could help grease the wheels. They learned republicans had the money to buy their votes so they sold them. They were impressed, they said Clinton never flew them to DC and offered to give them money.
Theocracy, I mean, why don't we just put Moon in charge and cut out all the middlemen?
http://cellwhitman.blogspot.com/My Lord, Bush used the theocrat, Moon, to push it. Is anyone listening?
from AU.
http://www.au.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5684&a... Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts, the House Republican Conference Chairman, was issuing press releases noting that the GOP's "faith-based" summit would be viewed by satellite at events in over 45 cities.
But if invitees took the time to read the fine print on the flyers touting the local gatherings, they would have learned that the get-togethers were sponsored not directly by the Republican Party but on its behalf by a group called the American Leadership Conference (ALC).
Reading further, they would have found out that the ALC is a project of the American Family Coalition and The Washington Times Foundation both front organizations for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a controversial Korean evangelist and founder of the Unification Church. The "faith-based summit" itself was sponsored by Watts (R-Okla.), Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and other top congressional Republicans, but efforts to promote it at the grassroots level were turned over to a Moon organization.
Why is the Republican Party working hand in glove with Moon front groups? The partnership stems largely from Moon's phenomenal ability to make inroads in GOP and Religious Right circles. Despite his unorthodox theological views Moon teaches that he is the new Messiah, sent by God to complete the failed mission of Jesus Moon has had little difficulty penetrating the upper echelons of American conservatism.
While a number of Republican-aligned private organizations have promoted President George W. Bush's religion funding scheme, only Moon won an official relationship with the Republican leadership to rally grassroots forces on behalf of the "faith-based" summit. This enhanced status enabled him to do grassroots political organizing and religious recruitment with the apparent blessing of Bush and his GOP allies in Congress.