I came up here to DC to be at the inauguration (I'm from Minnesota) - not to protest, but just to watch history in the making and witness some more Republican hypocrisy and idiocy first hand.
There were four lines of police in front of the protestors.
The protestors were being kept in a little "free speech pen" for the actual swearing in and the first part of Bush's speech, at least (I didn't stay the entire time - too cold).
There was a man standing by the mall saying something about how lucky we were to have SUCH a courageous president (sarcasm, of course), and one Republican said, "Let them say whatever they want - we won, they lost, just let them talk." I turned around and told him, "No, not because you won and we lost. That's not why we're allowed to protest. We're allowed to say what we want about the president because of a little thing called the Constitution. Read it lately?" And walked towards the mall, discussing the suppression of free speech by this administration, VERY LOUDLY so the Bushies could all hear. Let them mock me. At least I don't play follow-the-leader with fascists.
Bush sped up past the protestors every time there was a group of them. CNN was talking about how they weren't taking them seriously at all. Big surprise there.
Of course, the Westboro Baptist Church was there, with signs like "GOD HATES YOU" and "BUSH KILLED THEM." Those two signs got a big :wtf: from me. Bush killed... who? Bush has killed a lot of people, but I know they weren't protesting the war, so it made no sense whatsoever. The guy looked so proud holding it, but nobody really understood it. Idiots.
I didn't even hear about the pepper spray until I got on DU tonight.
My favorite part of the inauguration: A lady walking through the standing crowd as Bush spoke, holding up nothing but a handkerchief that said "BUSH IS LYING."
Was anybody here there? What did you see/hear about?