I've been working on three stories for the past week. Two of the stories deal with my 50 States series on election irregularities. The third story is about another subject that I've written about a lot since November 3rd. Yep, a story about that guy (call it story #3). I began it before the "ethics" controversy, and I've been working on it non-stop (with little work continued on the other two stories) ever since last Friday.
But sometimes your stories choose you.
On the many threads about the "affair" across the blogosphere, I have posted comments and, even, accusations which have been largely ignored or ridiculed. Whatever. I write for me, and my audience. I'm a liberal and a Democrat, but my party never comes first. If I see hypocrisy on our side, you can bet that I'll attack it. My readership isn't as large as the bigger names, but I appreciate profoundly every single hit I get here.
On those threads, I've been largely alone. For whatever reasons, the left side of the blogosphere has chosen to defend one of their own, rather than stand up for what they believe in. But in my surfing, I discovered another blogger who also has taken a stand. Another blogger who also thinks what happened was wrong.
So I checked out the cat's blog and it threw me for a loop. It had to be a joke. So I left a comment, pretty much saying so. And that, I thought, would be the end of it.
I have three counters on my blog. They don't tell me too much, but they tell me something about who's coming to my website. I received a hit on my website from that comment I left. The comment had been added to an older post, so I assume (sue me...I'm an assumptive blogger) that the only person who would check up on me would be the blogger himself. And that was the only hit I got from my comment.
Taking on the Administration is one thing. Taking on the people who are supposed to be allies on your side is another. But I'm working very hard to find out who I took on now.
The hit on my website originated from the Pentagon (Hi, guys, if you bookmarked me and are still reading this...get the fuck out of Iraq!).
I'm still working on this story. This outing of a blogger. A blogger who claims to be a "new democrat." A blogger who may have ten to twenty blogs on the Internet. A blogger who gets most of his hits from the right wing sites that link to him (but only on the sly). A blogger who is a bigger threat than story #3.
Getting back to story #3. Just as I think it's wrong for bloggers to accept money (overtly or under the table) from politicians and their organizations, I also think it's wrong for bloggers to commit to a movement without doing research.
I'm speaking about Blogpac. I haven't been asked to join, and I sincerely doubt that I will be. The ones who run it know how I hate them for their timidity in blogging about election reform. Yes, I consider myself an activist blogger, too, but I would like to rally people with words not political action committees which would rob me of my objectivity.
But I ask my friends, the ones who blog that have signed up for the movement, one question. Who's bankrolling Blogpac? That's what I'd like to know. Shouldn't you, too?
Oh...and Blogpac bloggers, just so you know, one of your two hundred bloggers happens to be the guy who fronts for the right wing and might even work for the Pentagon. Then again, he might only be a teenager whose words reach the Pentagon through the links that he gets in earnest from the right. Regardless, he's not one of us, that's for sure.
More details as I dig them up later.