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Report from Seattle protest

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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 12:38 AM
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Report from Seattle protest
Met up with other DUer's around 4 (some had been there since noon, and other DUer's had come and gone throughout the day, not sure who they post as). I met AmandaRuth jr and sr, and another lady from DU I didn't catch her handle. Aunt Jen and Aliengirl were also there. The banner they had made was huge and hopefully we caught the interest of potential Seattle DUers. My sign had on top for added exposure (my other signs said Patriots for Peace, America wants the Truth, and No Iran War). strangely enough, it was the most subdued protest I've been to, we were the only ones trying to start up chants, which sort of worked, but I guess the marchers were too tired or depressed. Actually, the credit for encouraging the chants has to go to Amandaruth jr, you go girl!

It was a smaller crowd than I remember from the peace march 2 years ago on March 19, but that was March, so who knows. The showing was inspirational and the emotion was thick. (It's a shame that the music always seems to suck at Seattle rallys, though). The police had a strong presence, but were very nice and seemed to enjoy watching, even said they'd close down more of 2nd ave for us at 6:30, in the meantime we were cordoned off in front of the Federal building. I left around 6, though, I must admit I was freezing, and really needed some kleenex (the weather was pretty mild, except at some points it was so windy and wet I felt like I was in an Orbit commercial. The only problems I noticed was when the security guard came up to me on the escalator at Westlake Center and said I couldn't have the stick on my signs in the mall. I took the monorail from Seattle Center, and you have to go through Westlake Center to get outside, so there I was, being monitored by a security guard so that I didn't start bashing people with my sign. Of course all the yuppies in theee had to snicker at me, but this oen cool lady ran up to the security guard and loudly asked her why I couldn't have a sign in the mall. I was there to promote peace, but I know some idiots can ruin it for the rest of us with their antics that don't represent us. Didn't see that today though, fortunately, knowing how Seattle cops have overreacted in the past.
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liberalequestrian Donating Member (40 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 01:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. I don't know Seattle well
but got caught up in a "Stop Fallujah now" protest in mid November in the Westlake Center area (I think)... bought an "Impeach Bush" sign. Lots of people going to stand with the protest, lots of Bush signs with a Hitler moustache.

Glad to hear you protested- the Seattle one was much better than anything we get in Orange County.
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oldtime dfl_er Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 01:57 AM
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2. Might have been me that you met
I stopped and chatted with Amanda and others holding the giant Democratic Underground banner. Great to meet local DU'ers!!
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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 02:31 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. ah, I should have introduced myself, so much to absorb,
I was wearing a blue headband and a Dumb and Dumber t-shirt with *jr and sr. about 5' 4", brown ponytail. (yeah, really distinct;)

the DUer with the unknown name was walking with us holding one end of the banner, but I lost them once we got to the Federal building and they started moving us in closer. I'd love to hear reports from those that stayed past 6, did the crowd get more into the chanting spirit?

Aint' no power like the power of the people
Because the power of the people don't stop!!
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suffragette Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 02:43 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I was there from 2-4
Sorry I didn't get the chance to meet you. Enjoyed meeting the other DUer's there, though.
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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 12:42 PM
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5. wanted to add, AAR local rep talked to Aunt Jen, so maybe
we'll get a shout-out. I can't remember what she said, but it was eloquent and powerful-glad they approaced her instead of me, I get all tongue-tied! I'm sure she'll fill us in later...
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