From the e-list:
MAINSTREET MOMS LOVE "TRUE BLUE" HOWARD DEAN FOR DNC CHAIR: FIND OUT WHY TAKE A BITE-SIZE ACTION We do as much griping (in very un-motherly language!) about the current Democratic party as anyone, but if it's change you want to see, we have
until February 10th to help get Howard Dean in place as Chair of the DNC. Like Dean, the MMOB going forward is as much about reclaiming Paul
Wellstone's "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" as it is about advancing Blue wins in fifty states in '06. MMOB sees these goals as one and
the same, and so does Governor Dean. That's why, at the request of the Governor, we are 1.) Reviewing the full roster of 447 DNC voting members to
see if we (or someone we're close to) know any of them PERSONALLY, no cold calls, no email; 2.) Drafting thoughtful, two-paragraph
letters-to-the-editor highlighting our own personal activism (if Dean-inspired or enhanced), and pointing out the strengths Dean brings to the Party's
future. (One glance through the DNC roster turned up four personally known voting members, so don't be shy, take a look!)
WHY HOWARD? THE WORK OF WINNING Whether you're True Blue, Green, ex-Republican or JPD (Just Plain Discouraged), here's a chance to shift gears and get rolling toward progressive
successes. Dean is the first to say "You won't agree with all of my positions, but you'll know exactly where I stand," and has a proven record as both
an independent voice and a committed workhorse for progressive victories. He's spoken out on party reform, election reform, and media reform, and
he's the gold standard on reproductive rights. Fiscally conservative, socially progressive, and always true, Dean went right to work harder than
anyone to fundraise and campaign for Kerry against Bush. He saw the need for a 50-state approach early, and helped elect a third of his Dean's
Dozens candidates in Red and Blue states alike. Dean has a dedicated base that never slowed down and a record-breaking small donor list. The right
has their churches, we have the new grassroots, and Dean is the one candidate who genuinely understand this. For more, go to
WHY THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE? Seeing the DNC as just another tool in our broad progressive tool kit, it's clear that it needs an infusion of vision, energy, leadership, and fight. So if
you're like Barack Obama -- not so much a politician as a "community activist exploring politics as an instrument of social change" -- this race should
be of keen interest. There's a tussle going on for the so-called soul of the Democratic party between Republican Lites and True Blue Democrats.
MMOB believes that when poll-driven equivocators crab to the middle, Democrats inevitably lose. While Dean's a moderate, he's no equivocator.
Bringing him to the DNC, more importantly, means the past 18 months of united activism has a chance of continued alliance against the
Bush-and-Beyond juggernaut. Without Dean, this new grassroots energy is likely to splinter away, and we'll lose our edge in the '06 House and
Senate fights.
DEMS GET PERSONALITY TRANSPLANT: DEAN ON CAMERA When so many of our "blue" pundits shuffle and mumble and tank on camera, we bellow at the TV screen and beg them to stay home. Governor
Dean starts talking and people listen. He gets on to win, not to survive, and that matters. We've tried "risk-free" Democrats in the past, and again and
again, they lose. With his vital and engaging personality, Dean is better suited to our bold times, and adept -- according to author and linguist George
Lakoff -- at framing and delivering a compelling message. See Dean on camera at www.themmob.com/howard4dnc.html (The Scream, you say?
Dean is the first to joke easily about his Iowa clip, but it's our responsibility to know better. Diane Sawyer and Peter Jennings regretfully described
the distortion of the direct feed microphone later: Dean's voice, in reality, could barely be heard over the unfiltered din of the crowd.)
P.S. IT'S NOT THE SOCIAL VALUES, STUPID, IT'S THE CERTAINTY If our side now starts aping the conservative line to win, we look like schmucks. And no one votes for a schmuck. Against Kerry's wandering thesis
statements, it was Bush's blunt "resolve" that decided the undecideds -- not the moral stance. Democrats who think their future lies in courting the
religious vote are looking at the wrong stats. Our growth market is different, and it lies in new progressive voters -- voters who go for conviction and
clarity (Dean's way) over a poll-crafted platform every time. For example, the growth in the numbers of new single women voting Blue was a stunning
four times the growth in evangelicals voting Red. (For more on the single women's vote: www.wvwv.org)
GO ON THE OFFENSIVE NOW: HOW TO HAVE A PARTY, WRITE A LETTER, MAKE A DIFFERENCE Treat yourself right: Jump into MMOB's campaign and support the "True Blue" remedy for the Democratic Party, Governor Howard Dean. See
www.themmob.com/howard4dnc.html. Take a peek at the DNC roster and see if you know someone you can contact personally. Or start writing
letters-to-the-editor on your own. Or plan a MMOB letter-writing tea party next week and get the word out. There are great DVDs of Howard
discussing the future of the party available to show your guests. We'll post them as soon as we have good sources.
Best to all,
The MMOB Crew