On my trip to the inauguration and back my constitutional right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure was violated three times by agents of the state.
It is a crime to leave your airplane seat within a 100 mile zone around Washington DC.
Washington itself was a military security zone. A huge area around the capital was blocked from all non-military vehicles. Busses and other large vehicles were strategically placed to prevent the determined suicide bomber from making progress towards the parade area. Metro stations were closed to prevent easy transit from one side of the inaugural march to the other.
The parade route was sealed off by massive temporary fences and military checkpoints. Inside the parade route area (our own green zone) temporary fences and checkpoints were in place in order to keep people (ie protestors) from moving from one contained/controlled area to another. The basic design is based, it appears, on cattle control. Snipers were visible on all rooftops.
Storm troopers were everywhere. They like to line up in formations and run into crowds to see if people will fight back. I like to dismantle temporary cattle control fencing, (it has to be easy to disassemble) but I'm just an old unreformed anarchist.
The state is all greared up to fight the insurgency, but where is the insurgency? The storm troopers must be so disappointed. All I saw was a bunch of citizens exercising their rights to protest. Is the state engaged in a self-fulfilling prophecy? Will they have to invent their own insurgency to fulfill their desires?
Anyone who went to DC and does not now understand that our constitutional democratic republic has been replaced by a crypto-fascist police state is delusional. Unfortunately there are lots of delusional people.
The best part of the whole sorry day was the mixing of rethuglican lizard-skinned pompadour men and their sickly looking pancake makeup wives desperately clutching their bleacher tickets, with the unruly mob of healthy looking angry people, all of us pushed together in the cattle-fenced crowd control zones with storm troopers out of a really bad star wars movie everywhere.
32 years ago I was standing beneath the capital steps throwing rocks at Nixon. There were no security zones. No cattle fences. No military checkpoints. My how times have changed.