Source: group meets to decide on future role
By Bill Lambrecht
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
WASHINGTON — The end of the 2004 presidential election campaign doesn't spell the end of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the well-funded alliance of former servicemen that remains dedicated to preventing John Kerry from becoming president. The group, which recently changed its name to Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, plans to convene next month to celebrate its successes and to consider speaking out further about Kerry's military service, his anti-war activities afterward, and other issues, says William Franke, who ran the organization's day-to-day operations. In his first interview about his role in the anti-Kerry group, the Navy veteran said his group succeeded in its mission to discredit Kerry and may help distribute a controversial film attacking the Massachusetts senator.
"They have called us rag merchants and liars and scum and every name under the sun. But what he has never done is respond substantively to our accusations," Franke said. He said the group might issue more "statements" about Kerry, but he wasn't specific.
One of the legislation's main sponsors, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has vowed further efforts to rein the groups in. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raised $27.2 million, most of it in a three-month period starting in July, Franke said. Houston home builder Robert Perry, a longtime GOP contributor, gave the group $4 million. That money fueled some of the campaign season's most aggressive and memorable television ads.
Franke referred to his group as "a substantive organization" and said it had a 150,000-strong donor list. He said it would be considering proposals related to veterans issues when members convene Jan. 26 in Orlando, for two days.
Caveat. I am not sure this is still on. The article is a few weeks old. I googled for the group and all I could find in way of a website was a blog - is no mention of a convention in their "events" area.
Their "latest news" is dated November 30:
"November 30, 2004 -- Migrated the site to a single server, consolidating all pages, TV ads, mini-documentaries and forums in one place. Old links starting with "swift*" no longer work, but all previous content is still available."