Now that Powell is leaving, the decision is about to made who to replace him with. I've already got emails from places like to have us send letters to Bush with our recommendations to replace him with. I thought it might be a good topic here to get ideas on who we can all agree on might be the best option to push Bush to nominate:
I'll start by making lists of who I think might be good and who I would want to advocate against. Keep in mind, the people I have in "the good" column aren't necessarily the ideal choices, but who might be good that we might have a chance to get nominated.
There's an article from the NY Times on potential nominees. I've added the names mentinoned here in the "Need to Decide" list: Good:
1. Ted Turner - he's certainly got a lot of experience there. Isn't in the business now after he pulled out of CNN and Time Warner. Might not be able to get on Bush's radar though.
2. Bill Moyers - maybe not quite the businessman that Turner is, but is retired from PBS and might be a good guy to have.
The bad:
1. Rupert Murdoch - Fox News leader.
2. Ralph Reed - Religious right folks would like him.
3. Jerry Falwell - same.
4. Roger Ailes - another Fox News empire man.
5. Mark Hyman - Sinclair Group VP, and The Point commentator, who might be out of a job anyway if someone else gets the FCC chair that doesn't like him from his actions during the election.
Need to decide:
1. Kevin Martin - another Republican member of the FCC
2. Becky Klein - former head of the public utility commission in Texas.
3. Patrick Wood III - the head of FERC
4. Michael Gallagher - head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in the Commerce Department.