The following was one of the speeches at J-20 Orange County. It includes a poem dedicated to Barbara and the 31. My name is Natasha. I am 13 years old.
In 2000, the Election was stolen from the people when the Supreme Court stopped the recount and appointed George W. Bush. Today I am Proud to be a Californian.
Republicans have spent years working on schemes to prevent voters from voting. They set up tables across the country, often pretending to be from non-partisan charities. They filed Republican registrations forms and tore up Democratic forms. There have been admissions and confessions from people involved in these operations. My mother witnessed a Republican tearing up a stack of registration forms right here in California.
Of those who got on the voter rolls, a great many were disenfranchised. Greg Palast wrote an article on November 1st about how the election had already been stolen. He wrote that almost a million eligible voters had already been disenfranchised and it was not yet election day.
To make sure of their coup, Republican corporations created black box voting computers with no paper trail, used even here in Orange County. These corporations own the computer software and had the opportunity and motive to program Bush's victory into the computers regardless of how voters voted.
On election day, the exit polls clearly showed that Kerry won both the popular and the electoral vote. Statisticians analyzing the poll results have calculated the odds against a Bush electoral college victory as 250 million to 1 They also calculated the odds against a Bush popular vote victory as 4.5 billion to 1. Unless, you believe in impossible long shots, Bush lost.
In Ohio, everything possible was done to take away voting rights including the denial of regular ballots to people who refused to sign for a letter from the Ohio Republican Party. The default setting on the computers was set to vote for Bush. Both the Secretary of State and the head of Diebold promised Ohio to Bush.
In Warren County, the administration building, where the votes were tabulated, was closed down for a level 10 terrorist alert when in fact there was none. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen found that across America, technicians falsely claiming to be Homeland Security and FBI agents faked terrorist alerts, closed down polling places and altered tabulator counts to change the outcomes of both the electoral and popular votes. Madsen got a copy of a 29 million dollar check used to pay technicians to rig the election for Bush.
In one precinct, 638 people voted 4,258 votes for Bush. In another county, Kerry got a negative 25,000 votes on black box computers.
Throughout America, the results were odd. A UC-Berkley study showed that there was voter-fraud in Florida. A thorough analysis of the results of this study shows that Kerry more than likely won Florida. Precincts that should have gone strongly for Kerry surprisingly went strongly for Bush. In Florida, 58,000 absentee ballots disappeared in the mail. Voters who later received absentee ballots found they had been already voted for Bush - apparently by someone in the registrar's office.
David Cobb and Michael Badnarik paid for an Ohio recount that never occurred. Only a small number of votes were looked at. Because of eyewitness statements that the minimal recount was rigged, the results are dubious at best.
On January 6th, one Senator had the courage to stand up against voter fraud. One Senator had the courage to make history. That Senator was Barbara Boxer. Outside of 1877, no other election has been contested. No other election has ever been so fraudulent. But the contest was only carried on C-Span and C-Span 2. Most people were not watching C-Span or C-Span 2. So, they missed history in the making.
The news told you about the Ukrainian Election. Like the Ukraine, our exit polls showed the opposition candidate won. They overturned their election why didn't we? Why didn't Colin Powell and the Republican leadership question the U.S. election as they did the Ukrainian election? Do they care less about their own country than the Ukraine?
Throughout history, there have been oppressive governments. One thing we can learn from this is what it is like to be in a country with one. Bush already has over 600 camps ready to house American citizens who dissent. His nominees look like something out of Nazi Germany.
For Attorney General: a torture advocate who claims it's OK to violate the Constitution, the law and the Geneva Conventions.
Already confirmed for CIA Director: an admittedly unqualified man who advocated using he CIA to spy on us Americans.
For Secretary of State: the woman who let 3000 Americans die on 9/11.
For Secretary of Homeland Security: a witch hunter who sees Democrats as American's number one enemy.
With these nominations and appointees, our future is in grave danger. Any Senator who does not filibuster the remaining nominees should resign in disgrace.
Once again, Bush has lost. And this time, there may be no future elections if we do not demand he resign or be impeached. Bush owns the media. He does not own you. Stand up. Spread the truth. Save America before it is too late.
I would like to dedicate the following poem to Barbara Boxer and the 31 Representatives who stood up and contested the election on January 6.
(The Boxer Revolution
By Natasha H., age 13.)
Stolen once again in two thousand and four;
Kerry won this time; last time Bush stole from Gore;
This time let’s kick the real loser out the door;
Let’s care that the exit polls gave Kerry more.
Voters had no vote across the USA;
A million lost their vote by Election Day;
Thanks to Blackwell, Ohioans had no say;
In Florida, Hood took voter’s rights away.
Kerry was the choice of the US voters;
Technicians in disguise rigged the computers;
They switched the results in the tabulators;
The truth is out. Where are the prosecutors?
The media is not on the voters’ side;
The truth, the newscasts try very hard to hide;
In the news, truth and justice are crucified;
The gullible have been taken for a ride.
Thank you Barbara for the revolution;
You stood up tall against the FRAUDstitution;
We were afraid we’d lost the Constitution;
You gave us hope there would be a solution.
31 house members bravely contested;
Did you watch the day their courage was tested?
With secrecy, the media was vested;
Only C-Span showed Bush’s fraud protested.
From 1877 through this year;
This was the first contest Congress would hear;
Don’t let Bush control you through fear;
Stop tyranny; restore democracy here.
(Copyright © 2005 by Natasha H. All rights reserved.)