It seems to me that some of us are getting too obsessed with purity. If a Democrat doesn't do exactly what we think they should do, we turn on them.
"He/She didn't vote for (against) ________! I'll never support her/him again! She/He/It is just as bad as the Republicans - even worse!"
Come on. There's only one Democrat who is as bad or worse than a Republican, and that's Zell Miller. He is truly deserving of our scorn. The rest of the Democrats need our encouragement, not our scorn.
Yes, it's disappointing when so many of them appear to be spineless wimps who care about nothing beyond their next reelection. But they are our spineless wimps! These things need to be done delicately.
Notice that the Republicans don't have this problem. They are loyal to a fault. Take John McCain. I'm sure he hates W's guts, but he publicly supported him.
Notice that Bill Clinton (yes, I hear the groans, but he IS the only Democrat to be elected to the presidency twice in my lifetime, despite relentless personal attacks - so maybe we should take a look at how he did it) said nice things about both W and Kerry.
By all means send firm letters to our elected Democratic representatives and to the media. By all means let's hold our feet to the fire. But let's not throw the Democrats out with the Republicans.