look at Barbara Boxer's questions and gaining some fortitude from her and Kerry's no votes! Here's my letter to them - feel free to crib if you want to:
Dear Senator:
How can you, in good conscience, vote to confirm Condoleeeza Rice for Secretary of State? As Security Advisor, she was responsible for conveying the false justifications for this disastrous, illegal and aggressive war to the American people and to the Congress. We need a Secretary of State who tells the truth, who has integrity, and who can be trusted by other countries. Condoleeza Rice does not meet those requirements.
I oppose her appointment as Secretary of State, and I support the efforts of Senators Barbara Boxer and John Kerry to obtain answers from her on the matter of misleading America into war. I support their votes against her appointment, and I urge you to do the same in the full Senate.
Almost 1,400 American soldiers have been killed and tens of thousands wounded and maimed. Over 100,000 Iraqis have been killed, at least 50% of whom were innocent women and children!! Many others have been imprisoned and tortured, in this war—a war based on falsehoods, and a war that also holds grave consequences for America's reputation as a just and conservative country for whom the use of a force is a last resort.
The administration is now stuck in a quagmire in Iraq, similar to the one in Vietnam in which over 50,000 US soldiers and over one million Vietnamese were killed—and now the Bush Regime is threatening to do the same to Iran, Syria, Venezuela and others.
Nearly 60% of the American people oppose the Bush Regime's war in Iraq. The American people cannot continue to pay for these reckless and bloody policies, and we can no longer tolerate war crimes being committed in our name.
I urge and implore you to vote NO on the nomination of Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State, a person whose lies have resulted in countless unnecessary deaths, maiming, torture and misery. Please stand up for your constituency, who DO NOT want Ms. Rice in this position. Thank you.