Connecting Up the Dots
By Anna Quindlen
Jan. 24 issue - There is now only a single abortion clinic in Mississippi. Once there were seven.
There are nearly 3 million people living in the state. No other state with only one abortion clinic has as many residents. Mississippi has enacted every restriction on abortion possible within the limits
set by the Supreme Court.
Among them is a provision that a woman must be counseled in person about the procedure and then wait 24 hours before being permitted to have it performed.
In 2000, researchers published a study of the effects of the waiting period. It showed that the number of later abortions increased sharply among Mississippi residents who relied on local clinics but not among those able to travel to neighboring states. The study showed that after the waiting period went into effect the number of second-trimester procedures in the state rose from 7.5 percent of all abortions to 11.5 percent.