The Republicans are at risk of backlash in many areas, including if it appears we lose the war in Iraq, if people catch on that Bush's policies place us at greater risk from terrorism, over loss of Social Security benefits, and possibly if they begin to realize the consequences of Bush's deficits. Maybe they'll even begin to realize the degree to which Bush's policies are designed to transfer the wealth of this country to a small oligarchy.
While Bush deserves to be criticized for his role, the real problem now is that these policies will be continued by others as he cannot run for reelection (despite the fictional book I'm in the midst of reading about the nightmares in Bush's 4th term). We don't want the Republicans to get off the hook by blaming the problems on Bush. While we should continue to criticize Bush, we must also extend this to all those who promote these policies, including the whole neocon movement, the Republican noise machine in the media which has supported all these follies, and to the GOP Congressional leaders.