Leadership: it has something to do with fighting for an idea before everyone else already knows it's the right thing to do ... Following: it is kind of like jumping off the dock after the boat has already sailed ...
Show some damned LEADERSHIP on Iraq ... Howard Dean, that means you !!! John Kerry, that means you !!! and it means anyone else who aspires to LEAD the way ... get your fucking acts together already ... you supposedly are our heroes and our leaders ... well LEAD, dammit !! stop calling for a military solution in Iraq ... it will never happen ... start paving a real path to peace with negotiations and international humanitarian aid ... the U.S. military is doing nothing but fomenting violence, anti-Americanism and instability ...
Enough is enough ... the elections in Iraq are a total sham ... they will make the situation much worse ... they have no credibility with the Sunnis and will lead to civil war ... it's time for a new direction ... it's time for withdrawal ... our battle cry is: NO MORE MONEY FOR WAR !!
please read this article:
As long as the occupation continues, any Iraqi government or constitution will be tainted and incapable of producing the compromises necessary for a stable and unified Iraq.Therefore, for the sake of Iraq's future and the safety of our young men and women, the United States must begin an orderly withdrawal, coordinated with stepped-up US and international economic assistance. We recognize that further violence and internal fighting among Iraqis may follow, but to believe that a continuing US military presence can prevent this is naïve or disingenuous; it will, rather, contribute to the instability. The best long-term outcome is for Iraqis to regain control of their own country and sort out their own future.
An increasing number of Americans recognize the worsening situation. In a recent Gallup poll, nearly half of those responding called for either US troop reductions or complete withdrawal. The politicians are beginning to hear them. Sixteen House Democrats recently signed a letter urging a total pullout. "This is the only way to truly support our troops," the group said. Senator Edward Kennedy reportedly will soon call for withdrawal by the end of the year. Former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft warned that the election has "great potential for deepening the conflict" and said it was time to ask "whether we get out now." Conservatives from the Cato Institute to Pat Buchanan's American Conservative have called for withdrawal. The antiwar movement is regrouping.