January 22, 2005 -- They say a leopard can't change its spots. Can a one-time Klansman change his, umm, sheets?
The way Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.) acted this week, it's fair to ask.
Byrd was one of three Democratic senators who used a parliamentary maneuver to delay a full vote on the nomination of Condoleezza Rice to be the next secretary of state.
Rice had been approved by the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee by an overwhelming 16-2 margin. The only "nay" votes were from sore-loser John Kerry and loony lefty Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).
Yeah, sure. So I guess that's why Bush nominated a black woman to replace a black man?? Apparently that she lies and acts uppity when called on it means that she can hide behind her skin--like Clarence Thomas and J. Kenneth Blackwell. Robert Byrd's presence in the United State Senate is a continuing embarrassment to Democrats in general, and to that body in particular
I am proud to have elected him from the state of West Virginia. I am proud when he stands up to the Republican bullies and media.The mainstream media merely continues to be an embarrassment to itself.
Now there's one line I won't disagree with.