Just made this sticker for my car.....
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Sat Jan-22-05 05:46 PM
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Just made this sticker for my car..... |
Social Security
A real value.
Did the lettering in blue. Tried to make it look similar to the W stickers.
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Sat Jan-22-05 05:55 PM
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I plan to make one which reads...
Health Care for Profit is Evil.
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Sat Jan-22-05 05:56 PM
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The Stock Market: Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
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Sat Jan-22-05 06:12 PM
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3. 'nother one: "Now They're Telling Us... |
Edited on Sat Jan-22-05 06:12 PM by Coloradan4Truth
There Are WMDs in Our Social Security Accounts. - BUSH LIES - The Real Crisis is the Deficit!"
Made up from several things heard on Ed Schultz over the last week.
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Sat Jan-22-05 06:43 PM
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4. Welcome to DU, Coloradan4Truth! |
And I really like Ed Schultz. His book is pretty good, and it reads just like he talks.
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Sat Jan-22-05 06:59 PM
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When will people catch on that this is a gift to Wall Street?
Never, I know. I answered my own question.
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Sat Jan-22-05 08:29 PM
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6. How about this? Social Security = A Family Value |
That'll turn their own language on them. And it's the truth.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:37 AM
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