The real division in our party is between empire-building neo-Liberals (the exact same problem the Republicans are having with their version of the empire-builders, the neo-cons).
It is NOT by accident that the DLC and PPI are very close in philosophy to... elements on the other side.
The DLC's latest acquisition from the neo-cons is a PNAC signatory named Marshall Wittman who was one of Ralph Reed's right hand men in the Christian Coalition. They think so highly of him that they made this "prodigal son" an official DLC spokesman and a Sr Advisor of the PPI (the DLC's version of the AEI). The gall.
The Christian Coalition is now in the Democratic Party courtesy of the DLC. It is little coincidence that we are suddenly hearing all this talk of "fath-based initiatives" in the party & politicians are mentioning "God" in every other sentence and letting us know how they just pray, and pray and pray several times a day.
We are in a fight for the soul of our party and they will stop at nothing. Big, big money at stake here. What we are fighting are the corporations, the Military Industrial complex, the National Endowment for Democracy, the neo think tanks, etc... Right now they're trying very hard to fracture the anti-war movement knowing full well that it's the glue holding many of us together because of our rage over Iraq and the political cohabitation that led to it. They will stop at nothing to divide us nor will they stop at anything to keep power.
We can't let them win. The stakes are too important.
Straight from the page of the DLC's neoliberal Progressive Policy Institute, they seem SO proud of their latest addition as they trumpet his "accomplishments":
PPI | Bio | September 22, 2004
Marshall Wittmann
Senior Fellow
Marshall Wittmann is a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute. Previously, he was Director of Communications for Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Mr. Wittmann has served in various positions with the
Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Christian Coalition, and in the administration of President George H. W. Bush.*Here's the main Staff list of the DLC: order to find the right spokesperson, please contact our press office at (202) 546-0007.
DLC Spokespersons: Al From, founder and chief executive officer of the DLC.
Bruce Reed, president of the DLC.
Holly Page, vice president for strategic development for the DLC.
Ed Kilgore, policy director for the DLC.
Debbie Cox, chief of staff for the DLC.
Marshall Wittmann, senior fellow.& from the PPI:
PPI Spokespersons: Will Marshall, president and co-founder of the Progressive Policy Institute.
Rob Atkinson, vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute and director of PPI's Technology & New Economy Project.
Paul Weinstein Jr., chief operating officer of the Progressive Policy Institute and PPI senior fellow, covering issues of pension and tax reform, transportation policy, and corporate responsibility.
John Cohen, director of PPI's Community Crime Fighting Project.
Edward Gresser, director of PPI's Trade and Global Markets Project.
David Kendall, director of PPI's Health Priorities Project.
Jan Mazurek, director of PPI's Energy and The Environment Project.
Steven Nider, director of foreign and security studies.
Andrew Rotherham, director of PPI's 21st Century Schools Project.
Fred Siegel, PPI senior fellow, covering urban issues, smart growth, and transportation.
Marshall Wittmann, PPI senior fellow. Wittman
Marshall Wittmann is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and one of the nation's most quoted analysts on political and congressional issues. He specializes in the growing role of the independent voter.
Prior to joining the Institute, Wittmann held notable positions in government and private institutions. In the private sector, he served as the
Heritage Foundation's director of congressional relations both for the U.S. House and Senate. Wittmann also served as the
Christian Coalition's director of legislative affairs. In the
Bush Administration, he served as the deputy assistant secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. Wittmann also was the legislative representative with the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and a public affairs specialist with the National Treasury Employees Union. He holds both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Michigan.
Wittmann is widely quoted on issues concerning politics, elections and Congress. He has been published in The New York Times and The Washington Post. You really have to get a load of this site!:
Death Penalty
Faith-Based Initiatives
Just War Tradition
Religion and Gay Marriage
Religion and Human Rights
Religion and Public Schools
Religion in American Public Life
Religion in Politics
School Vouchers
September 11 and Beyond /
At the Hudson Institute, he was the
Director, Project for Conservative Reform
Senior Fellow (the page was recently blanked out now that he's allegedly had a miraculous transformation from neo-con to Dem but the links of his name still point there).
And when you research Marshall Wittman + Conservative Reform, you discover that he left that to go manage John McCain's campaign (oh yeah, Wittman even managed Alan Keyes campaign at one time)
((Forgive me Q for having re-cycled this from another thread but I think this is important to know and am really rushed right))