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I just saw a political ad for Lyndon LaRouche!!!

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Kat45 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 10:54 PM
Original message
I just saw a political ad for Lyndon LaRouche!!!
Bizarre! That guy has been running for President forever, and I don't recall ever seeing him run a TV ad. (Just speaking from my own experience; he may have run some, I don't know.) I still can't figure out how he manages to run every time, who the heck supports him, and where does he get the money to run a commercial during the post-SOTU coverage? The ad said he was running in the Democratic party--I didn't even know he was a Democrat, always thought he had some crackpot party. Man, that ad was bizarre!
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feckerman Donating Member (79 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 10:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. What now?
It would appear he is a "pre-candidate" for the democratic ticket...

Someone has kept their larouchey bouchey shut about this one - as I didn't even know he was running.

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pocoloco Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 11:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. He was second to Dean in early 2003 campaign contributions,
and has qualified for matching funds. Chaney was complaining about him being on his ass a while back!
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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 11:01 PM
Response to Original message
2. I saw one back in the early 80s... must have been '84...
Edited on Tue Jan-20-04 11:01 PM by wyldwolf
...he talked about Queen Elizabeth being involved in drug running.

Of course, I've heard more bizarre theories here at DU.
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pasadenaboy Donating Member (877 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 11:47 PM
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4. Are Lyndon LaRouche and L Ron hubbard the same person?
Just asking.
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robsul82 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 11:48 PM
Response to Original message
5. What's his tagline?
LaRouche: Here to Show You What Crazy REALLY Is.


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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 12:10 AM
Response to Original message
6. Lyndon LaRouche is some sort of Democrat from way back with access
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 12:25 AM by Tinoire
to some very powerful men. Used to have no problems getting into the White House to meet with Reagan. Not sure what other Presidents he's met with but it's been quite I few from what I've heard.

Larouche by the way, was at the Russian Duma's economic forum in June 2001 when Tatyana Koryagina advised Russia to dump the dollar pronto because the US economy was going to be shattered. The Russian Duma adopted gold as legal tender very shortly thereafter. All I can find right now is the Newsmax article but it's pretty accurate. This is when I started paying very, very close attention to Soros and his friends at Carlyle. Called them up even to ask what the minimum investment was- thank God I was sitting down. I still have the original Russian somewhere. This was all right before Sept 11. Larouche, strangely enough was at this conference.


July 12, 2001, Page One report in Pravda –

The Pravda article was entitled "Will the Dollar and America Fall Down on August 19? That's the Opinion of Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, Who Very predicted the August Default in 1998."


This Pravda article was published about the same time as another strange event that took place in early July in the Russian State Duma.
The Duma held a conference entitled "On the measures to provide the development of Russian economy in the environment of destabilization of the world financial system."


Tatyana Koryagina made a statement at the end of hearings – as a Russian expert in the shadow economy, shadow politics and conspirology.

She is a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic Researches subordinated to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development (Minekonom). The main theme of the Duma hearings was the rapidly approaching economic crash of the United States.

The hearings focused on preparing recommendations for President Putin as to what Russia should to do to soften the consequences of this coming catastrophe.

Pravda also detailed its own interview with Dr. Koryagina.

Here is an excerpt:

    Pravda: All the participants at the hearings stated that America is a huge financial pyramid which will crash soon. Still, it is hard to understand how this could happen in the first and richest country of the world – without a war, without missile or bomb strikes?

    Koryagina: Besides bombs and missiles, there are other kinds of weaponry, much more destructive ones. ...

    Pravda: Well, economic theory. But how it is possible for you to give an exact date – August 19?

    Koryagina: The U.S. is engaged in a mortal economic game. The known history of civilization is merely the visible part of the iceberg. There is a shadow economy, shadow politics and also a shadow history, known to conspirologists. There are forces acting in the world, unstoppable for countries and even continents.

    Pravda: Just these forces intend to smash America on August 19?

    Koryagina: There are international "super-state" and "super-government" groups. In accordance with tradition, the mystical and religious components play extremely important roles in human history. One must take into account the shadow economy, shadow politics and the religious component, while predicting the development of the present financial situation. Pravda: Still, I don't understand what could be done to this giant country , whose budget is calculated in the trillions of dollars.

    Koryagina: It is possible to do anything to the U.S. ... whose total debt has reached $26 trillion. Generally, the Western economy is at the boiling point now. Shadow financial actives of $300 trillion are hanging over the planet. At any moment, they could fall on any stock exchange and cause panic and crash. The recent crisis in Southeast Asia, which touched Russia, was a rehearsal.

    Pravda: What is the sense of smashing just America?

    Koryagina: The U.S. has been chosen as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly and will remind us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb.

    Pravda: Did Russia's crisis of 1998 have this religious-mystical component?

    Koryagina: ... The Russian crisis of 1998 was preconditioned by internal factors. Yeltsin's policy enlarged its consequences. Now we have President Putin, and this is a good choice.

    Pravda: What do we have to do now?

    Koryagina: Recommendations, compiled by the Duma Commission of Economic Politics after the recent Duma hearings, offer instruction on what should be done to escape the consequences of a world crisis inspired by a financial catastrophe in the U.S. This document will be sent – or has already been sent – to President Putin.

    Pravda: What should Russian citizens do?

    Koryagina: They should start changing their dollars for rubles. President Putin and the Russian Central Bank are already taking the necessary healthy measures. There are high chances that after 19 August the ruble will become a very good currency.

    Pravda: Why 19 August, say, and not the 21st?

    Koryagina: Some fluctuation in this date is possible. Serious forces are acting against THOSE WHO ARE NOW PREPARING THE ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES . August, with very high probability, will bring the financial catastrophe to the U.S. ... The last 10 days of August have especial importance from a religious-sensible point of view.


It was a serious news report, and story, discussed widely in Russia, including on national TV programs. The thrust of the story was that Russian officials were strongly encouraging Russian citizens to cash out the U.S. dollar.



Now before you dismiss this woman as a total kook- let me just point you to this. She's not an unrespected figure.

Thirty-fourth session
10-20 April 1995
Item 6 (c) of the provisional agenda*

* E/CN.5/1995/1.



Nomination of members of the Board of the United Nations
Research Institute for Social Development

Note by the Secretary-General
1. The functions of the Board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, which are set out in paragraph 3 of document ST/SGB/126 of 1 August 1963 and in its addenda, are:

<snip, snip>

4. Keith Griffin (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) has been Chairman of the Board since October 1988. The nominated members of the Board at present are:

Lars Anell (Sweden), Ambassador, Swedish delegation to the European Communities, Brussels;

Ingrid Eide (Norway), Special Adviser, Ministry of Church and Cultural Affairs, Oslo;

Tatyana Koryagina (Russian Federation), Head, Department of Social Problems and Prognosis, State Planning Commission, Moscow;

Maureen O'Neil (Canada), Director, North-South Institute, Ottawa;

Akilagpa Sawyerr (Ghana), Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana, Accra;

Fahima Charaf-Eddine (Lebanon), Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Beirut, Lebanon;

Georgina Dufoix (France), Delegue general contre la drogue et la toxicomanie, Paris;

Kinhide Mushakoji (Japan), Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama;

Guillermo O'Donnell (Argentina), Visiting Professor of International Studies, Hellen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, United States of America;

Rehman Sobhan (Bangladesh), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka.


Now this is interesting. This is the first time I've seen this (available only in">google cache)


15 years of imprisonment for high treason
Yesterday, closed trial of retired Major General in the Soviet KGB Oleg Kalugin ended. It took 22 days of Moscow City Court to sentence Oleg Kalugin to 15 years of maximum security prison and to deprive him of all his military ranks and decorations.

In this way the state punishes for high treason. Several agents who had worked for Russian intelligence were revealed as a result of this person’s activity. Kalugin published secret information about a series of actions carried out by Soviet intelligence, which were aimed for discrediting CIA, FBI director and US counter-intelligence. The question is about his memoirs, and first of all about his book First Department (1994).

<snip / one of his associates, Alexandr Litvinenko, arrested for "steeling explosives">

P.S. The story of Kalugin one more time shows which state and public persons the epoch of “democratic changes” declared by Gorbachev has promoted. Kalugin actively participated in democratic movement, appeared in mass meetings in Moscow. In general, the first accusation against him was brought by KGB already in June, 1990. The officer was deprived of decorations and rank, though soon “democratic wave” returned everything to him, including his general pension.

Kalugin was a member of Military for Democracy organization. October 1990, he participated in the constituent congress of Democratic Russia movement, the movement of well-known democrats Yegor Gaidar, Yuly Rybakov and others. Supported by then-popular politicians, like economist Tatyana Koryagina, Nikolai Ivanov, Thaelmann Gdlyan, Oleg Kalugin became USSR people’s deputy.

So, generally speaking, Kalugin was not alone, and not he only should be tried. Everybody of them should be accused either of espionage, or of “shock therapy,” or of being accomplice of Chechen militants (however, some of them prefer to call it “human rights activist”). Though, this could be characterized even more sharply, as Ivan Lentsev, Zavtra columnist did:
“Small fries, screws were accused, while real betrayers seat in public funds and receive rewards and pensions for long service. Hunting for Kalugin was dully declared, while ex-KGB chief Bakatin who brought Russian special services to degradation is in freedom. Some average FSB worker Litvinenko was accused, while Gorbachev and Yeltsin, Berezovsky and Gusinsky take the air.”

Sergei Yugov

Translated by Vera Solovieva

You can read the original Russian here (if you read Russian that is); it's the first article "Pyat'natset Let Za Izmenu Rodine: Byvshemu Chlenu 'Demokraticheskou Rossiy' Olegy Kaluginu" / 15 years of imprisonment for high treason: Former Member of the "Democratic Party of Russia" Oleg Kalugin

And now I am going to be very sick.

Soros. Ukraine. Belarus. Yugoslavia.
(whisper: Caspian Sea - oil)

Soros. Carlye. Kalugin.
(whisper: Caspian Sea - oil)

Bush looking into Putin's soul.
(whisper: Caspian Sea - oil)

Soros. Bush. Bin-Laden. Carlye. Khodorovsky. Oil.
(whisper: Caspian Sea - oil)

Soros. Georgia. Another "Democratic" movement
(whisper: Caspian Sea - oil)

Balkans Region: Oil and Gas Fact Sheet

many more maps here to help put it all into perspective. Yugoslavia. Afghanistan. Kuwait. Iraq. Georgia. Iran.


Former Yugoslavia: The name of the game is OIL! & the prize is profits
Posted Friday, May 18, 2001
Source : People's Weekly World

It is now becoming clearer than ever that a primary reason the U.S. has been so involved in Kosovo, Bosnia and throughout Yugoslavia, has much to do with the immense wealth to be gleaned from oil.

Construction of a major "trans-Balkan" pipeline is underway from Burgas in Bulgaria on the Black Sea, through Macedonia, to the Albanian Adriatic port of Vlore. It is being built by U.S.-owned Albanian-Macedonia-Bulgarian Oil Corporation (AMBO) and is scheduled to be operational by 2005.

The trans-Balkan pipeline passes through what is known as corridor 8 - traversing very near the borders between Macedonia, Kosovo and the Presevo Valley (see map). Furthermore, it is to be connected with another series of pipelines, some of them Soviet-era pipelines. A major one of these will pass down the Presevo Valley - known as corridor 10 - connecting with the AMBO pipeline precisely at these same critical borders.

This system of pipelines is designed not only to transport petroleum to seaports for shipping abroad, but extends into the heart of Europe. Two branches of the AMBO line jut into Greece - one to Thessalonika, the other to a terminal on the west coast.

All of this has to do with the enormously rich petroleum fields of the Caspian Sea basin. In order to get that oil to market, one of the best routes is to pipe it to the Black Sea, ship it in tankers across the sea and then pipe it again across the Balkans to the Adriatic Sea. This bypasses the treacherously narrow Bosporous Straits near Istanbul, which Turkey claims could not safely accommodate the heavy tanker traffic from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

General Michael Jackson, who eventually took over command of KFOR in Kosovo, when speaking of Macedonia, said: "e will certainly remain here a long time so that we can also guarantee the security of the energy corridors which traverse this country."


Well, gee, thanks for the opportunity to research one small thing which took off on a small tangent that led to this. I feel very ill now.

Anyway. Larouche isn't just anybody. The man has got some insider knowledge of some very scary things. Just wanted to bring up Tatyana Koryagina and her eery pre-Sept 11 predictions.


Anyone who read all that should now listen to this song:

What Would You Do
by Paris ... late 2001/early 2002 Now on the album Sonic Jihad


What would you do if you
Knew all of the things we know
Would you stand up for truth
Or would you turn away too?
And then what if you saw
All of the things that's wrong
Would you stand tall and strong?
Or would you turn and walk away

I see a message from the government, like every day
I watch it, and listen, and call 'em all suckas
They warnin' me about Osama or whatever
Picture me buyin' this scam I said "never"
You in tune to a Hard Truth soldier spittin'
I stay committed gives a fuck to die or lose commission
It's all a part of fightin' devil state mind control
And all about the battle for your body mind and soul
And now I'm hopin' you don't close ya mind - so they shape ya
Don't forget they made us slaves, gave us AIDS and raped us
Another Bush season mean another war for profit
All in secret so the public never think to stop it
The Illuminati triple 6 all connected
Stolen votes they control the race and take elections
It's the Skull and Bones Freemason kill committee
See the Dragon gettin' shittier in every city


Now ask yourself who's the people with the most to gain (Bush)
'fore 911 motherfuckas couldn't stand his name (Bush)
Now even niggas waivin' flags like they lost they mind
Everybody got opinions but don't know the time
'Cause Amerikkka's been took - it's plain to see
The oldest trick in the book is make an enemy
A phony evil so the government can do its dirt
And take away ya freedom lock and load, beat and search
Ain't nothin' changed but more colored people locked in prison
These pigs still beat us but it seem we forgettin'
But I remember 'fore September how these devils do it
Fuck Giuliani ask Diallo how he doin'
We in the streets holla 'jail to the thief' follow
Fuck wavin' flags bring these dragons to they knees
Oil blood money makes these killers ride cold
Suspicious suicides people dyin' never told
It's all a part of playin' God so ya think we need 'em
While 'Bin Ashcroft' take away ya rights to freedom
Bear witness to the sickness of these dictators
Hope you understand the time brother cause it's major


So now you askin why my records always come the same
Keep it real, ain't no fillers, motherfuck a blingin'
Mine eyes seen the gory of the coming of the beast
So every story every word I'm sayin' 'Fuck Peace'
See you could witness the Illuminati body count
Don't be surprised these is devils that I'm talkin' bout
You think a couple thousand lives mean shit to killers?
I swear to God we the ones - ain't no villans
Or any other word they think to demonize a country
Ain't no terror threat unless approval ratings slumpin'
So I'ma say it for the record we the ones that planned it
Ain't no other country took a part or had they hand in
It's all a way to keep ya scared so you think you need'em
Praisin' Bush while that killer take away ya freedom
How many of us got discovered but ignore the symptoms?
Brothas talkin' loud but ain't nobody sayin' shit'
And with the 4th Amendment gone eyes are on the 1st
That's why I'm spittin' cyanide each and every verse
I see the Carlyle group and Harris Bank Accounts
I see 'em plead the 5th each and every session now
And while Reichstag burns I see the public buy it
I see the profilin see the media's compliance
War is good for business see the vicious make a savior
Hope you understand the time brother cause its major


David Kelly. Did anyone bookmark the threads about the murder of Dr. David Kelly. I remember the last e-mail to his wife before being murdered that there were "many dark actors playing games".

Please PM me links to those threads- or post here. Thanks

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tritsofme Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 12:41 AM
Response to Original message
7. LaRouche has been running for 20 years...constantly,
but I can't say that I have ever seen an ad for him, it must have been a hoot.
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Tierra_y_Libertad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 12:44 AM
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8. Did he he appear in white strait jacket and black tie?
He and his followers make the moonies look sane.
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kiahzero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 12:46 AM
Response to Original message
9. His crazies showed up on campus today
Distributed some pamplets entitled "Children of Satan II: The Beast-Men" with a picture of Cheney.
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