not sure of the veracity of">this site but if true, this seems pretty damning to me.
Having first looted the University of Texas, Bush now aims to loot Social Security.By Frederick Sweet
Soon after George W. Bush was sworn in as Texas governor in 1995, he transferred billions of dollars of public endowment money from the University of Texas to the control of his billionaire friend Tom Hicks, a “privatization” move similar to the one now proposed for Social Security. Bush’s friend headed the private U of T Investment Management Co. (UTIMCO) that had been set up to invest the U of T funds.
According to a March 1999 report in the Dallas Morning News, a committee that the Board of Regents uses to decide upon how the University of Texas invests its billions was run by billionaire Tom Hicks, a Bush appointee. Hicks was a major campaign contributor to Bush’s 1998 gubernatorial race and also the maximum contributor to and one of the major fundraisers in Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign.
Hicks is an investment banker to whom Bush and his billionaire mentor Richard Rainwater had earlier sold the Texas Rangers. Hicks owns a vast sports and media empire. Bush allowed him to head up a committee charged with “investing billions of dollars of public university money in the form of investments in private companies.”
Questions were asked in 1999 because
“almost a third of the $1.7 billion has been committed to funds run by Hicks’s business associates or friends . . . five funds run by major Republican political donors.”
Hicks was unwilling to answer questions about his activities on the public’s behalf.more at link