C-span rtsp://video.c-span.org/60days/ap012205.rm
AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES In Washington, DC, the National Journal and Hotline host a post-inauguration comedy show with nearly 20 professional performers and comedians. (This programming contains language that some may find objectionable. 1/22/2005: WASHINGTON, DC: 2 hr. 30 min.: C-SPAN
If the link doesn't work, go to c-span.org and look through the Recent Video list, you'll find it
Some of its good, some of its not, but there are some good laughs there warning: non-partisan - both Dmes & Repubs are targets Wonkette, Christopher Hitchens, Langer & Khan, Tony Snow, Matt Lauer, Grover Norquest, Bob Sommersby (of the Daily Howler), some congresspeople, some journalists, some good impressions "Who ever thought we'd be swearing in a president where it all depends on what the meaning of "torture" is??? Condi told the senate she can't define it, but she knows it when she experiences it (that was after she met up with Barbara Boxer)" "Even Cheney is frightened of Bush now, he's not disclosing his location to him, either."