Cassandra here.
And yes, we can take bloggers with a grain of salt, however, if this is fiction, I've had quite a breakthrough!
I'm sorry that I didn't "notice" more about the Trippi/Campaign finances connection. I'm mostly a mainstream media consumer, with no cable and no left-wing radio (outside of Pacifica -- and they didn't seem much interested in Dean and/or Trippi) in my huge media market.
As far as my idealism, I'll cop to it. That must be why I'm now a teacher in a Title One school. I still believe that those kids have a future, in spite of NCLB's continual testing instead of teaching and reflection.
However, as far as gullibility or (excuse me while I guffaw) "reaching" levels in presidential campaigns -- as opposed to stooping to them -- I will protest.
I was actively recruited to attend a Democratic training weekend in DC at Catholic University the weekend before Thanksgiving in 1987. There they taught a young group of Hill staffers and interns and other, idealistic young democrats to LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL. I have my notes still. I can prove it.
I, of course, soothed myself with the thought that I would never, ever stoop to such tactics and allowed myself, instead, to be sucked into the patriotic rhetoric provided by the more noble workshop leaders. (There were leaders for all stripes -- frat boy types for the used-car hustlers, and soft spoken former Carter staffers with lofty speeches for folks like me.) After long workshop days followed by elbow rubbing in bars around the Hill, they asked us, on the final day, "Who can be in Iowa the day after Thanksgiving?"
I bit. I was idealistic. I did want to make a difference. (I still do.) I wanted to do something noble.
However, when, a few days after I arrived, I was dropped off in Oskaloosa Iowa with $20, no car or place to stay and a couple of phone numbers, those recently learned lessons in lying, cheating and stealing started to surface.
So, you may be way wise to the ways of campaigns with all your experience in sales and journalism. I was not. And I say that the Democratic hacks wanted it that way. And that's a shame.
(However I will say that I quickly "rose" up the ranks of the campaign. I have never met a bigger group of short-sighted, self-serving bumbling idiots in my life. I was a friggin' genius in that group! Gave me a decent ego boost after all, which possibly made up for the huge disillusionment. If I could survive that hell, I could survive anything.)
Now, most of the boys -- and they were mostly boys in 1987/8 -- were truly college kids, frat boy types. And as far as I know, I was the ONLY one under 40 who wasn't getting by on Mommy's and/or Daddy's credit card. And I think that is a whole other form of soft money that would be subject to true reform.
But, I am still naive.
Gotta go.... I have a lesson to plan. My 4th and 5th graders are adapting "The Emperor's New Clothes" for the spring play...
Cassandra Complex
Patriot Actors