Freedom is on the march, and as John Snow said back in June 2004, "The economy is firing on all cylinders!""Ask the White House," June 18, 2004
jay, from charlotte writes: I recently had a friend challange me to tell him how in any way the economy is better now then before Pres. Bush took office. Unfortunately, I could not defend my position. Could you help.
John Snow: You can feel very confident in your position. First, this Administration inherited an economy that was in steep decline and weakened further by the bursting of the tech bubble. The United States suffered further uncertainty from terrorist attacks and corporate scandals. President Bush faced and addressed each challenge, and despite the serious setbacks, we now have a strong economy that is growing stronger.
GDP, the best overall measure of economic activity, has risen over the past year at the fastest rate in 20 years. Productivity, which translates into faster income growth and a higher standard of living, grew at the fastest 3-year rate in 5 decades from 2000-2003. Since the President has been in office, after-tax income has risen by 11 percent – that means Americans are keeping more of their hard-earned money. Today household wealth and homeownership rates are at all-time highs.
The President’s economic leadership and pro-growth policies have led to an economy that is firing on all cylinders.