organize and do as much fundraising as is legal. And we can also help to publicize his candidacy.
What these people do in situations like these confirmation hearings reveal their true priorities and willingness to fight for what they believe in more clearly than any scripted campaign speech.
For contrast to Dayton's courageous stand, here are Biden's comments in an interview Sunday. Unless the hearings have somehow caused him to suddenly see the light, he is planning to vote to confirm Rice. said he would vote for Rice to replace Colin Powell as secretary of state because "she's an honorable person" and a president "gets the chance to pick the person who he thinks will implement his policies."And in the same interview Biden said he was "leaning against" Gonzales. What kind of nonsense is that? Not the kind we want to put up with, that's for sure.
Dayton deserves support. If Biden indeed votes for Rice, how can he be trusted in anything else?