Monday, January 24, 2005
Oh God! Why couldn’t have I been born White?
Bill Cosby…is on his: excoriate his own peeps tour. The White Conservatives are having secretive organism in the privacy of their own shower rooms. That Jet spray does wonders. Instead of whites spewing out racist attacks, you can get Black Conservatives to do your dirty work. And it is all OKAY! Because, this is a family argument and you not invited. Cosby projects the same old tired horse shit that White Conservatives have been saying for years. Poverty is a moral failing. Poverty is because there is no family with a strong father guiding it. Poverty is around because the poor are too dependent on government handouts. Poverty is around because the poor are too lazy and rather take dope and have unprotected sex. Liberals want to keep the poor dependent on the welfare state. The poor don’t have Jesus in their life. Cosby referred to Black activists as: Poverty pimps & victim pimps. He never mentioned the, “Blame yourself sluts”. Cosby and others like him are just conduits for White Racism. We have an inner circle in the higher echelon of the White power structure that have the racist notion that the Whites should control the world’s wealth by virtue of the fact the White race is more moral and smarter than non-White people. Oh, they do not tell you out right. They use coded words and use passive/aggressive methods to achieve their goals. Or they use sarcasm in their speech. These are traits of the wasp. They are emotionally repressed people. They are afraid of sexual virulent Black men. So they keep guns under their pillows just in case a black rapist has a home invasion. God is White and the Devil is Jewish. This racist belief is still prevalent in White society. Just think of Condoleezza Rice who talks like Mary Tyler Moore and acts like her too. Then we got Alberto Gonzales who talks like a good old White Boy from Texas. This is intentional! Because acting white is acceptable and encouraged. However, when you get some White guy like Eminem, who acts Black, then you are labeled a wigger, or some wanna- be. Is Condi called some wanna-be because she acts White? Now the Bush administration and the GOP are calling opponents to Condi’s nomination to secretary of state racists. Huh? Ann Coulter called Liberals racists. So the tables are turned eh? Well in that case, let’s nominate Idi Amin or better yet, how about Snoop Doggy Dog? Being deceitful and underhanded is considered being civil and polite. The White ruling class wants their subjects not to be seen or heard. They do like anyone showing anger or any type of emotion. Because, showing any type of emotion is savagery from the jungle. They want an anal retentive world. They use Christian morality and American National vanity to further their racist agenda. Malcolm X saw this and called them on it. But when he realized that it was a class struggle not a race war, they killed him. Bush is part of a rich white agenda and should be recognized and dealt with. He can hide behind his King James Bible all he wants, but we know he is a closet racist pig. Don’t try to act White, just act yourself, ok? Just because Condi can get away with it, doesn’t mean you will. And if you are White and poor, kick Jeff Foxworthy’s ass for me. There is nothing wrong with you because you are poor. White Capitalism was design to keep poor people poor. Capitalism is not a Disneyland of opportunity where everybody can join in on the fun. For the reason, if there is no poverty, there can’t be wealth. That is the law of physics. Will Bill Cosby ever tell you that?