While most people here have been expressing outrage over the Fineman article that suggests an anti Dean conspiracy headed by the Clintons, what amazed me about that article was that it seems like the anti-Dean forces have all but given up.
I knew all along that there would be establishment opposition to Dean. This is the guy who said if he was elected President, establishment Democrats were going to be scattering like cockroaches. As for the Clintons, if you were Hillary, and you were planning to run for President, would you want a guy who believed that your husband had helped screw him over running the party? I didn't think so.
What's amazing is that the Democratic leadership not only hasn't been able to stop Dean. They seem to be acting like a bunch of French aristocrats looking out the windows of Versailles at the peasants with pitchforks and the guy making a speach next to the guillotine and trying to figure out what to do next.
I'm not saying Dean is Robespierre by any means, he seems to be going out of his way to reassure the powers that be that he is not a crazy revolutionary and his followers are there to help the party not destroy it.
I find this remarkable. I very much like the idea of Dean as DNC chair. I think he'd give the party a burst of energy that it badly needs. As a lifelong moderate Democrat who has the respect of liberal activist types for his strong stands on the issues, and his willingness to buck the conventional wisdom, he has the potential to unite opposition to the conservative agenda and that's what it's all about.
I just never thought that Dean would be able to pull it off. It's looking increasingly like that might just happen. Of course anything could happen in the next few weeks but if things keep trending the way they've been going the Doctor may just be in.