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Some things said on DU are racist.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Jackie97 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:05 AM
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Some things said on DU are racist.
I'm not trying to cause a war, but I want to point that out.

Just because we're liberals doesn't mean we're immune to racism.

I've been hearing people refer to Rice and Powell as Uncle Toms, white person wannbe, Aunt Jamimah, etc.

Some of you all are using their race and insulting them based upon it. You all will say it's only because they're Republicans, but this goes back to the "Good N Word", "Bad N Word" thing to me. It's saying that black people need to act the way you think they should and that they don't have a right to separate political positions.

One could argue that they should be on our side after all our side did to fight for their rights, but that's about like saying that blacks are forever in debt to do as we want because of what we did to help them out at one time.

If you're going to insult Rice, Powell, or other black Republicans; then the insults need to be based on the content of their character. It should NOT have any reference to black in it. Insulting them for being a Republican is one thing. Insulting them for being a "black Republican" is just racism. That's like insulting somebody for being a "black butthole" instead of insulting somebody for being a "butthole". When you bring race into it, you make it a racial issue. You start saying what makes a "Good black person" and a "bad black person". That's not right.

If the mods want to delete this thread of mine because of my rudeness, then they should also delete the posts making these racial remarks. I'm sick of it.

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SheepyMcSheepster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:07 AM
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1. i haven't seen what you speak of today, but i agree
Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 11:08 AM by SheepyMcSheepster
there is no need to bring race into it.
a liar is a liar.
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Bush on crack Donating Member (45 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:08 AM
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2. hey thanks
I just signed up yesterday and agree with you. It seems like some people were type-casting minorities to specific cartoonish positions, and calling people like Rice named based solely on race and not her positions.

These boards are awesome and 99% of people are awesome and real intellectual, but a few are acting immature about the Rice hearings.
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BlueEyedSon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:09 AM
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3. Excuse me, wasn't it Harry Belafonte that called Powell a "house slave"?
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dmkinsey Donating Member (789 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:12 AM
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4. I haven't seen those terms used here
It would , of course, be inappropriate. I haven't seen it
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cindyw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:12 AM
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5. I really think you should link to specific posts if you are going to make
accusations like this. Other wise it appears that it happens often. New persons may get the idea that it is happening on a regular basis. I imagine it was an isolated incidence.
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pnb Donating Member (959 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:12 AM
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6. You are definitely correct
There seems to be an attitude of too many people here that blacks are some sort of collective with only one goal or set of priorities in this country rather than having diverse beliefs, goals and attitudes, just like us white folk even.

It makes my skin crawl when I read that stuff.
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EarlG ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-05 11:13 AM
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7. The moderators will always remove racist remarks
Edited on Wed Jan-26-05 11:14 AM by EarlG
and trolls are frequently banned for trying this kind of thing. But the moderators can only remove comments like this if they are made aware of them. Please use the alert button to let them know if you see things like this.
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