Just so we don't think Dean was the only one whose speechifying got panned yesterday:
http://www.salon.com/opinion/conason/2004/01/20/iowa/print.htmlSuffering from laryngitis, with a concise three-page speech in hand, the victorious Senator nevertheless rambled on for 28 minutes, according to the New York Times. (I can report only that his remarks seemed endless, a feeling evidently shared by his wife, who stood next to him looking bored.) There was nothing wrong with what he said, but it took him far too long to say it. Why didn't Kerry realize that this was his first big chance to present himself to the national audience watching the dramatic Iowa returns, and behave accordingly?
The longer he maunders on, the more he muddles his message. He won Iowans over to his campaign by speaking briefly and taking lots of questions. He needs that kind of discipline if he wants to win.
And if he wants to see a superb victory speech, somebody should show him the videotape of John Edwards, whose remarks were both shorter and more inspiring. Kerry said he had learned much about campaigning in Iowa. He has more to learn. If his momentum carries him through New Hampshire, he will be heading south -- where they don't want to listen to any longwinded Yankee who won't get to the point.