Here is the link to a clip of Sen. Dayton's slap down of Rice which has been posted.
Sen. Mark Dayton has harsh words for Condi
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
FYI: Couple things about Dayton and one has to do with Moon. As you will find I don't do soundbites on Moon, too many twists and turns and wrong info out there for that....and I might add I don't have a problem with calling out democrats on the Moon front. I called Danny Davis office a year before he carried Moon's crown and warned them Moon was using Danny, they didn't listen
On Dayton...
First, you will see his name associated with the Moon crowning from last March, also. Dayton and the other congressman, with the exception of Danny Davis, said they were duped into attending or being involved. Roscoe Bartlett, who bowing carried the robes to Moon in the ceremony, said he didn't want to be rude so he went along. hah The moonies claim that anyone who carried the robes or crown believe Moon is the Messiah.
The moonites also claim that 81 congresscritters attended the event. Moon is into numerology and that number is divisible by his beloved number 9. So, 81 most likely came from someone's imagination.
There is other misinformation on the event. Often you will read that a congressman "attended" the crowning. Well, that is not true but for a few of them. Dayton was told that his constituent was being honored. He was asked to lend his name and was told other congressman were involved, the Dirkson building had been reserved. Of course this was all done under front group names that had been mainstreamed by the right, the Washington Times and what not. So, Dayton says OK. He shows up long before Moon is there. He walks in and is escorted to the front. They hand a plaque to his constituent, they shuffle a couple long time moonies on Dayton and his constituent's wings and snap a picture. Dayton leaves. Later they roll Moon and a couple crowns out - Dayton knew nothing about that.
Moon has done a great job of smudging politicians over the years. He has been so mainstreamed by the Republican Party and the conservative movement that it is no wonder people are falling for the BS, not just here but throughout the world. Moon's inroads into the democratic party are centered on the black community, black ministers to be specific. He has been working on them, convincing them that he has been persecuted like Martin Luther King. Many of them have fallen for it and have taken crosses off their churches and buried them at Moon's instruction. Bolstered by the Bush administration using his organization to promote the Faith Based Initiative, - hand out the bribes - Moon has enhanced his influence on our nation.
Put simply, I would not doubt Dayton was targeted by this relentless organization.
A lot of people have had a photo taken with Moon himself. He has people who work at getting those or anything that will be perceived by the cult and public as acceptance. Ike had his picture taken with Moon, Ike was no Moon shill. You have to look further at who works with his fronts, takes his money, who intentionally lend/sell their credibility to him. People like his #1 shill, Poppy 41, who sold Moon the name, honor, and prestige of the office of the presidency, giving the old devil huge face around the world and helping him gig more followers.
some of the Moon mainstreaming by the soul selling right can be found here: second thing I wanted to mention was that Dayton, who may be naive to some things, does wake up. And when he is awake he has solid brass balls. As he did with Rice, giving her the benefit of the doubt till it was obvious that she is a liar, can't be trusted and as such is danger to our nation and the world.
When the Abu Gharib story broke, Dayton was the one who grilled Gen. Myer's about the general contacting CBS to get them to delay releasing the story. His main concern wasn't so much that the government felt the need or that it asked CBS to hold the story, that may have been necessary for good reason, but Dayton rightfully cared that the military was the one making the calls.
check this out, Dayton has brass balls.
Aired May 7, 2004 - 11:30 ET MARK DAYTON (D), MINNESOTA: Mr. Secretary were you aware, did you authorize General Myers to call CBS to suppress their news report?
RUMSFELD: I don't have any idea if he discussed it with me. I don't think he did.
DAYTON: Over the last two weeks, calling CBS to suppress the news report?RUMSFELD: "Suppress" is not the right word at all.
DAYTON: I'm sorry, sir, but I...
RUMSFELD: It's an inaccurate word.
DAYTON: General Myers, did you discuss it with the secretary?
MYERS: This had been worked at lower levels with the secretary's staff and my staff for some time.
DAYTON: That you would call CBS to suppress their news report?
MYERS: I called CBS to ask them to delay the pictures showing on CBS's "60 Minutes" because I thought it would result in direct harm...
DAYTON: Mr. Secretary, is that standard procedure for the military command of this country to try to suppress a news report at the highest level?
MYERS: It didn't -- let me just -- Senator Dayton, this is a serious allegation...
DAYTON: Sure is. MYERS: ... and it's absolutely -- the context of your question, I believe, is wrong.
DAYTON: I understand the context, General, you...
MYERS: Let me just...
DAYTON: ... told us the context earlier. I have very limited time, sir.
MYERS: I want to take as much time as we need to straighten this out.
This report -- the report was already out there, the news was out there about the abuse...
DAYTON: General, if the news had been out there and we had all known about it...
WARNER: Senator, I ask that the witness be allowed to respond to your question. They're very important questions. General, would you proceed?
MYERS: Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Senator Dayton.
This was not to suppress anything. What I asked CBS News to do was to delay the release of the pictures, given the current situation in Iraq, which was as bad as it had been since major combat ended, because I thought it bring direct harm to our troops; it would kill our troops.
We talked about it, and I said, "I know this report will eventually come out. But this -- if you can delay it for some period of time -- it would be helpful."
DAYTON: What period of time is that?
MYERS: I did it based on talking to General Abizaid and his worry was like mine, and he convinced me that this was the right thing to do. There was no -- this report has been around since January. What was new were the pictures. I asked for the pictures to be delayed.
DAYTON: Did you discuss delaying -- calling CBS to ask them to delay their report, with the secretary of defense, or the vice president or the president?
MYERS: Of course not.
DAYTON: None of those.
MYERS: Of course not.
DAYTON: I would just say, General -- and I agree with your assessment of the consequences of this on our troops, and that's the great tragedy of this, but attempts to suppress news reports, to withhold the truth from Congress and from the American people is antithetical to democracy.
MYERS: You bet it is. And that's not what we were doing.
DAYTON: And whatever the intentions may be, sir, the result is always the same. And it's, I think, terribly tragic that the president, who wants to expand democracy around the world, by actions of his own administration is undermining that democracy in the United States.
DAYTON: That's always the result when people try to control information, delay it, manage it and suppress it, it has that result. It's antithetical to a democracy.
RUMSFELD: May I speak a minute, Mr. Senator?
Throughout the history of this country, there have been instances where military situations have existed that have led government to talk to members of the media and make an editorial request of them that they delay for some period disclosing some piece of information. It is not against our history. It is not against our principles. It is not suppression of the news. And it's a misunderstanding of the situation to say it is.
DAYTON: It is against our principles. It's against our principles when you come before 40 to 45 members of the Senate three hours before that news report is going to occur and don't mention one word about it, sir.
That is antithetical to democracy and the Constitution, which has the Senate and the House as co-equal responsibility for this country.I want to just ask about the escalation of American forces, sir. You're bringing in, in response to all of this -- and this is also important. This is the future of this nation and the people who are over there.
You're increasing the number of forces, the number of tanks over there. How can this have anything to do but to escalate the level of violence, the opposition of Iraqis, intensify the hatred across the Arab world to the United States, and more atrocities? How can this have any result other than to put us deeper into this situation and make the conditions there worse for our forces and for our nation and for the world?
WARNER: Senator, I'm going to ask that the witnesses respond to your important question for the record. And I thank your cooperation.