"Holiday Haul Goes to High-End Retailers as Income Gap Widens" by Nell Henderson of WashPost at
http://peaceandjustice.org/article.php?story=20041222182642680fails to fully explore just HOW FEW of these wealthy rich are expected to carry the US's economy, while the masses limp along. As a sop to common sense, Nell did manage to quote someone who said:
'"From the perspective of equity, this is no way to run an expansion," Bernstein said ( Jared Bernstein, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank). "We ought to be able to have both growth and equity." '
No mention that wealth concentration in the US is something on the order of this:
"...The distribution of wealth in the US as
of 1998, the most recent information available that has been fully analyzed:
% of US Population % of Wealth Owned
Top 1% 38.1%
Top 96-99% 21.3%
Top 90-95% 11.5%
Top 80-89% 12.5%
Top 60-79% 11.9%
General 40-59% 4.5%
Bottom 40% 0.2%
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=2050 ""
I encourage DUers to investigate further and explore Kevin Phillip's book "Wealth and Democracy" for insights into how wealth concentration will eventually destroy this country, as it has Spain in the 1500s, Holland in the 1600s and Britain most recently.
Even finance guru Warren Buffett is arguing for HIGHER corporate taxes, and by imlication his wealthiest investors too.
Dems and progressives should be making this information a keep talking point !